Two popular ways to locate and identify ley lines include using Google Earth or the ancient divination art of dowsing rods. And maybe ley line energy is something to be avoided. Take a cleansing shower or bath before traveling to these sacred sites. Watkins believed so strongly in ley lines he organized a club. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. I ended up having a reaction to something and my lips swelled up. Ley Lines: The World's Magical Grid - Sage Goddess In my research for my revised novel, I found at Muckross Abbey, Killarney, Ireland. Folks are warned never to travel a fairy path during twilight hours -dawn or dusk. See the Americas as you've never seen them before, exquisite geometric patterns of energy in the living landscape. and now all those small village have an airport. Ley lines are supposed straight lines which connect three or more prehistoric or ancient sites. Im trying to do lay lines myself from here in South Carolina an all help would be awesome. not currently accepted by our modern scientific paradigm. The energy is said to extend 30 miles each side of a ley line. Then I compared this map to the ley line map and found a match. 517-467-2517 on side of hill, west of Hane Rd., north-north-west of Adrian and east of Cambridge. You see, on the same site there was turmoil between the Spanish seafarers who landed there in the sixteenth century and the natives who had been there for centuries before. Places where the collective as a whole is feeling so good, it raises the vibration collectively. Perform all or part of it at your local ley lines and see what happens! 2. If it does nothing (which I doubt if youve found a ley line), then move on to another spot. Has your experiences been in one location or all over? The Chakras of the Earth and Ley Lines - Forever Conscious From St.Tudwal's Priory off the Lyn Peninsula to Holmefirth in Yorkshire. Where Are Ley Lines Located in Arizona? - That is a mountain range to the east of most of the city. There are dozens of maps accessible online. This is Joel from Wyoming. If aliens are living among us, would you know how to identify them? Important! In 1921, Alfred Watkins developed the concept of ley lines. Thanks for the keeping this site up to date. My overall impression is that they seem well-intentioned but terribly unlucky. lay lines - The Treasures Of Utah It is possible you may find offshoots (branches) of a ley line. How do these ancient ley lines affect us in modern times? What Are Ley-Lines? Thanks . Stand still for a while and feel the healing energy pulsing up from the earth. Epstein island went down because of its access, the the island of Bahamas was erased, due to its being a major hub of underground tunnels. American Ley Lines USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America Our bestseller! You can draw (or imagine) lines connecting certain stars to form the horns of the Taurus. Can you take a video and send it to us? I think there are some books on Amazon that might cover the USA. Hi Elisabeth, the closest reports we have to that area is Thompson Park, NY. Science has yet to recognize the validity of ley lines, but those who have tapped into this powerful cosmic/Earth energy don't require scientific proof. The first step with right direction gets ahead of others in the following steps. Your land looks like it covers a large area. Scared the shit out of me. Seattle Ley Line Map - We are working with some amazing sites around the world. Do you have any advice? Leys between Gold Hill, Oregon; Yucatan Peninsula, & Cairo, Genuine Vortexes Open as Tourist Attractions, DC & US Capitol Cities on Volcano Latitudes, EarthStar North America, the Wheel with 19 Spokes diagram, EarthStar North America map detail: Crater Lake, Sisters, Columbia River, Rainier, Rica, Individualization of the Three Americas, Chaco Canyon Meridian to Casas Grandes, Mexico, Iceland - Hawaii - South Orkney Islands Triangle, Alaska as the Center of a Great Circle of Ancient Sites, Alaska & the Great Pyramid, Corners of a Square, Nova Scotia Energy Axis and 5-pointed Stars, Costa Rica 8-sided Medicine Wheel Unites North & South, Complete Set of Grid Lines over South America. External link: Energy vortex caught on camera, Hello, Attached are 2 photos from my Rainbow Vortex hunt at the Black Forest Colorado.The tree has some really weird branches that are crooked and some seem to grow backwards. The phenomenon spread across the world, and New Age enthusiasts were eager to seize the idea of cosmic forces and aliens wholeheartedly. -, Navy Pilot Who Filmed the Tic Tac UFO Speaks: It Wasnt Behaving by the Normal Laws of Physics, Is the Geiser Grand Hotel in Oregon haunted? The trail I was on with all the bender trees has a site that native Americans used for 10000 years. Ley lines are mystical energy highways that stretch across the planet. I enjoy the map! But are these ley lines still in existence? But why? Judy E.M.P.I.C Investigations. Ley lines in the United States are often linked to dowsing and the belief that dowsers can sense these invisible power points. My home sits on a ley line I was off the trail, no power lines etc. Thank you for this post. A good analogy is that ley lines exist in the same way that astrological constellations exist. you can google ley line maps for your area. I asked the spirits if they were nature spirits, they confirmed. Incidentally, the line also aligns with the path of the Sun on the 8th May, the festival of St Michael, maybe there is some truth in all of . One particular ley line that converges with others just off the Eastern coast of Florida also runs directly north of Tampa and straight through the sacred site of the Tocobaga Indian mound in Safety Harbor! Magnetic Ley Lines in America | Alert Major action Utah Radar very HOT This is how I felt when I visited my local ley line. It shows how ancient structures relate to sacred geometry vibrational energy ley lines. The knowledge of creating Ley lines is supposed to be lost. i live in cairns wanna get in touch and share knowledge, Ive allways beleaved evertime i was reborn this time failure isnt evan action. My guide dissuaded me from chancing the ascent as he had found a hiker dead just a month or two ago. Ley Lines Near Me Sacred Sites & Pagan Places: Origins and How to Find Ley Lines Near You Image: @chrisgriffiths on Instagram. Some never before published. It looks like I am close to, but not on, a ley line. Stop in places where you feel energy the strongest, then hold your pendulum out and still. all ley lines and energy lines are one and the same as well as old Australian travelling song lines. This definition makes sense but doesn't provide the whole picture of what ley lines truly are. THE ELITE ARE shutting down these earth accesses, the Bahamas is proof. You can also check out the new interactive St. Michael's leyline map. I have done work for years and have lived here my whole life..and am in the middle of a battle, I feel,. Ley lines refer to the straight lines found on the map. This is a form of dowsing, which is a method thats been used for years to find ley lines. The Titicaca Stone is the geometrical center for the Solar Plexus Chakra of Mother Earth. Theres quite a few in Florida I didnt know about till recently. This is often referred to as ley line tapping. Scale confidently, backed by our infrastructure. One of the biggest criticisms of ley lines is that because of the high density of historic and prehistoric sites in Britain (and probably most other countries), finding straight lines that 'connect' these sites is trivial and purely coincidental. I didnt know much about spirit mounds/medicine wheel back then, but enough to know theyre sacred and to be respected. American Ley Lines: USA, Canada, Mexico, Central & South America When asked if the spirits there were angry, they confirmed. This mound isnt listed on the maps (Alberta) like the other ones are. How can I substantiate whether this area is a vortex? Amy. Ley Lines: The Secret Force of Nature The - Universal Lighthouse Philippe Park in Safety Harbor, Florida is a park that many Floridians love. Its as simple as a Google search. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. Just subscribed, too, and feel like Ive found a kindred spirit. Other theories posit that ley lines run along fault lines, claiming that the lines begin in the Peruvian Mountains and stretch through San Francisco and Alaska. We will research this location more, as it looks very intriguing. While looking out at the gorgeous green landscape, he had an astonishing revelation. 'We Will Leave That Up to You' -, Earth's magnetic north pole is skittering wildly across the Arctic. I had an experience there that was just surreal, didnt expect anything like that to happen aside from a regular mundane day of traveling the back country. I live not far from you, and also near an Indian Mound in Central Florida. Ley Lines linking to Earth's Energy and Ancient Sites . First thing I suggest is to think of your local area and if there are any significant historical landmarks. Express your appreciation for the place you like with a comment, express your dissatisfaction with the place you don't like with a score, and add your own photos and record every place you go on your trip. Some are small and mundane, while other decisions may be life-changing. Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. hey Gerard, I live in Australia as well, have you been to a place where you have experienced a ley line? I stated aloud clockwise motion meant yes and counterclockwise motion meant no. Without further ado, here are the list of places: One must meditate to: Coronado hotel del, Beverly Hills: rodeo drive, Maybourne hotel, and Beverly Willshire hotel, Beverly glen shopping center, called the glen centre, Encinitas d street beach, Bel-air De neve square park, Carlsbad state street, many highly trafficked airports with lots of tourists and people; ie. Click back arrow to return to the opening screen. You are welcome to visit the world's famous scenic spots.