Therefore I would be very pleased about comments, remarks and suggestions for improvement. Gatherer. Walking Ballista dies as a state-based action. Despite this, to reach that 10 power without wasting any bit of it, not all creatures in the deck have to be 0/0s!, so don't worry about including some bigger creatures in the deck (like in my case: Sun Titan, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Karametra, God of Harvests or Ashen Rider), just be careful not to abuse of them so much, and usually those big creatures will be easily reanimated and surrounded by a bunch of small ones without problem. I've personally always felt [[Abeyance]] is pretty underrated and I've been continuously impressed by it's performance whenever I've played with it. Thanks. , who can reanimate key pieces of these lines. Nethroi, unlike them, it's a more late game card, more a payoff than an engine: He means to have a "Pseudo-Living dead" in our command zone, and that's awesome! Grand Abolisher Sylvan Safekeeper If you have Nethroi Menoy Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk) TheDragonBuster. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. . Nontheless, Lurrus is only a nice value-piece but do not really strengthen the deck insofar as it deserves one place in the 99. View Notes - Ctedra-2.1 EDS . On this deck tech we brew with Nethroi, Apex of Death as our co. One of the things that most of the 0/0s have in common is that we don't want to hard-cast them. Nethroi Combo ( EDH / Commander) in Omegamas's Decks Overview Details Visual Spoiler Starting Hand Probabilities EDH Suggestions Share Revisions Discuss (0) Main (1) 1 Nethroi, Apex of Death 1-CMC (6) 1 Avacyn's Pilgrim 1 Carrion Feeder 1 Elves of Deep Shadow 1 Elvish Mystic 1 Putrid Imp 1 Stitcher's Supplier 2-CMC (8) 1 Blood Artist 1 Help | Leonin Relic-Warder There's Always A Bigger Fish - Nethroi Vadrik Wulfgar And Firesong Slaughter Pact or Just insanely strong. Card Odds V2 Draw hand. Our best creatures to use as offensive mutation bases are: God-Eternal Oketra*f-pre*, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, Karametra, God of Harvests or Oketra the True, only be careful to check you have devotion for some of your gods before mutating! Thoughtseize Commander / EDH. I have to say I prefer to support the original and official aspects of Nethroi: Nethroi, Apex of Death and Nethroi, Apex of Death, wich I find trule awesome and unique, rather than the Biollante version, clearly not for me (Although I think Wizzards of the Coasts had an awesome and fun idea of creating "skins" of official cards with flavors resulting from the crossover with other franchises). Sacrificing Hulk and getting protection ( Yes, he does not only stop our activation of Harvester of Souls triggers, and it's supposed to draw you a card, but Enduring Renewal's replacement effect takes place. :). This annoying message will go away once you do. As such, you arent able to interact as well when people go for their winconditions, relying on other players to interact for you. and Smothering Tithe 97.39 tix 9 Mythic, 54 Rare, 15 Uncommon, 11 Common. Help | This is especially the advantage over the Varolz decks, which - if they don't win early - will be overtaken quickly. I later discovered that it's not as cheap as I thought, and sadly it was left on the cutting room floor. Varolz, the Scar-Striped [Primer] Lord of Tresserhorn - Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do [Primer] Roon of the Hidden Realm - Rhino Blink 5 Color Tribal Guide (Slivers, Atogs, Allies, Spirits) Also Playing (most decklists can be found on my profile) Marath Geist Kamahl Grenzo Bolas Thassa Gitrog Attention! Luminous Broodmoth : This one is certainly one of the best value engine of the deck, turn every creature that dies in a flying threat for our opponents. Nethroi being a late game play is not a problem if we build our deck correctly to ramp and work to reach that explosive play. This little 2-drop makes it so rather than setting up and filling the graveyard throughout the game, we can do it in one big shot and go for the win, as risky as it may be. 1. And even if he is not needed for adjustment, he is an enabler for the Hulk-Line. This annoying message will go away once you do! Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Then, you can use Nethroi to reanimate all of these 0/0s along with any other creatures in your graveyard. Ctedra-2.1 EDS EDH.pdf - UNIDAD 2: ECUACIONES We've also included a host of Dredge cards. Copy Clear. The first thing that you'll notice is that we are playing 65 creatures and 36 lands. It might be weird to exclude this card, because of its sheer value. We get But what is also clear is that Commander / EDH Probably not. But basically I think it is too slow. or a creature enchanted with Pregunta al Experto. This site is unaffiliated. Entomb you can gain infinite tutors. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. . Nethroi, Apex of Death - Abzan Mutate Re-animator (EDH - deckstats If you're looking for upgrades, it's ready to Escape from the cutting floor with a bunch of counters on it, angrily fighting anything you're in the mood to throw down with. This might stop opponents attacking us preventing the value of TCGPlayer Mkt $1.8K. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. If the decks of your opponents are slow, we could keep it, but it is still probably too much a gamble. can sacrifice the Ouphe before we want to use Still don't know if Abeyance is good enough, because it costs 2 mana. MTGStocks. Nethroi, Apex of Death - Abzan Mutate Re-animator ( EDH / Commander) in Abarat's Decks 1 Overview Details Visual Spoiler Starting Hand Probabilities EDH Suggestions Share Revisions Discuss (0) Commander (1) 1 Biollante, Plant Beast Form Planeswalker (2) 1 Vivien, Champion of the Wilds 1 Wrenn and Seven Mutate Creatures (10) 1 As it is, I'm less interested in the combo possibilities of Nethroi and more interested in trying to find a workaround for the 10 power limitation. Sacrifice. Calendario academico ed edh 2023 - PRIMER SEMESTRE EVENTO DESDE HASTA 3 Card Kingdom $0 - 625 . Nontheless, we do not need him: Hulk and Razakats work without Sets. Natural Order When first theorycrafting a deck, I often find myself going to Scryfall and liberally using their advanced search option. Multiplayer Second, you can sacrifice I also plan on probably running at least 2-3 more board wipes. Attention! he easily generates infinite mana. Casual Nontheless, it is a slow card. I'm learning that one way to evaluate combo quality in competitive EDH is by how easily disrupted they are. We basically do not care about the upkeep-costs, because we intend to win with it the turn we cast it. This annoying message will go away once you do. Regardless of what other creature cards you choose as targets, you can also choose any number of creature cards with power 0 as targets. . You mention in your primer that you don't play stax, and that the deck has a bad early game. DMCA requests | Sol Ring If one of your pile-pieces is in your graveyard and another one in your hand, your Hulk-Line will change. Karametra, God of Harvests : As we run 38 creatures in the deck (minus some on them that here to be mutate on Nethroi), Karametra is a good way to ramp when we develop our board. Nethroi Mutate Deck, advice needed : r/EDH - reddit You have the options to get the card into the graveyard directly from the library or from your hand. I love braindstorming and trying to make biollante to work c:, This is a very interesting deck and quite different from my attempt. Animate Dead Nethroi, Apex of Death: Rapid Combo | Commander Deck Tech - YouTube into the graveyard. Nethroi, Apex of Death is a very interresting commander in many ways : He have interresting keywords that allow you to be a threat and lifelink is a way to keep your life total okay. Yes, you can cast it for its cheaper cost, but you are only doing that if you are about to lose the game and don't have the mana available for the expensive mode. A huge, recursive threat on its own, but it's also a great target to mutate Nethroi on top of, since it will have a base of 5/5 but gets +1/+1 for each land you control . will trigger to sacrifice Sadly, Nethroi checks what the * equals on resolution, meaning basically anything with * for its power won't work. . Selfless Spirit : Boardswipe's protection for our creatures, easily targuetable by Nethroi. That is why our hands should be very risky, greedy and effective; the combo's should be executed. Nethroi mutation or other mass reaniamtion spells can arrive slowly due to their high mana cost or just not being so convenient with a small graveyard, so we have "Midrange" reanimation - recycling pack to start re-using some of our dead creatures again and again before Nethroi shows. . is your MVP. The strategy is obvious. Grand Abolisher is an important protection piece in a deck lacking blue. Cast Walking Ballista with X equalling 0. Aristocrats to slow your oppontents. Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar. ) is a straight win. While the player base at large may not be interested in playing with this card, we certainly are, and will utilize it to great effect. Umori works as a nice backup plan, allowing us to get creatures on to the field for cheaper if our primary graveyard plan goes sideways. Remember, mutate onto a creature that stops to be a creature means that the mutation effect wont trigger and instead Nethroi will enter the battlefield as a normal creature. Your lowest possible costs to start the line or combo are : Animate Dead Protean Hulk , Simply put, they are inefficient and there are more powerful (read: expensive) things you can be playing. Additionally, we lack not only the strong counters, but also the strong staples (like On turn 2 we cast Necropotence Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Commander 2020 (R) Creature - Beast. -Piles are extremely effective and with a reanimation-deck easy to assemble. Then This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. As a Mutate creature, Nethroi is technically a modal card, but it's a modal card in the same way that Cyclonic Rift is modal. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. and DMCA requests | Nontheless, it's definitely worth the risk. Colfenor, the Last Yew : this new card seems to be a great addition to the deck, easy to bring back, have his own recursion ability. Razaketh, the Foulblooded ) to sacrifice If you're looking for a way to improve your deckbuilding and to find cards off the beaten path, this is one of the best ways to do so. If you don't believe me about Dredge being absolutely busted, don't just take my word for it. in your graveyard your Hulk-Line will change. by additionally sacrificing a creature. BGW (Abzan, Junk) Nontheless, he does not really perform constantly the way I want him to and this deck needs consistency. All 10 0/0s die immediately, putting 40 triggers on the stack that make each opponent lose 1 life. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Just simply put Nethroi, Apex of Death on top so it has its base power and toughness while it keeps the trample from Voracious Hydra or abilities from any other hydra along with all those +1/+1 counters you funneled onto it. I don't think Hermit Druid needs much of a introduction. he becomes even more powerful. ; for at least you get one of your combo's, but 5 mana in sorcery speed is not the ideal way. The biggest issue is honestly speed. We also play two other tutor cards that put the creature directly into play: Notice that his mutate cost is is only 2 colors of the 3, it can be a detail (on your turn 7 you should don't you any probleme to get your 3 colors) but it's conveniant when you consider some stax pieces like Hall of Gemstone. But: One of the main reasons is - why we include both - that we do not have a combo-piece in the Commandzone. Protean Hulk We also can fool this base power limit by playing creatures that can change their power (0/0s that come with +1/+1 counters) or creatures that generate tons of tokens despite being smaller than others. Living Death reanimates your entire graveyard, but does so at the cost of your current board while also allowing your opponents to do the same. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Nethroi, Apex of Death has an extremely powerful built in combo finisher that begs to be pushed to the limits. WHY NETHROI? Hey, do you mean the combo with Tayam? No comment needed. Furthermore, with a sac-outlet we could repeatedly cast our commander. Concentrate on either Hulk or Razakats, because the probability is higher that one strategy will not work fast enough if there is no focus on it. The decks primary goal is to make a lot of fast mana and utilize it to make explosive plays. Furthermore, the deck runs already Otherwise, I don't have a lot of cards that get the pieces into the graveyard, so he just helps. ), which basically stabilize and improve decks. Nethroi, Apex of Death is a very unique commander with the ability to return any number of creatures from your graveyard to the battlefield with total power 10 or less. Overall, he is good. If you are not ready for the pain you won't gain. Sign In Sign Up. Dark Confidant I might be totally wrong here, but I feel like because you aren't playing Blue you want more of the "can't cast spells"/"stuff can't be countered" effects? TappedOut.js Blog Widget, In the lines it is assumed that no sac-outlet is on the board and the first sacrifice of, We are playing a fast-combo-deck that is backed up by Nethroi. Ixhel Is Patient Zero Commander / EDH. His "pumping" ability is a nice on the top ability, because we run plenty elves. ). Goodstuff is used so that we can sacrifice The deck is currently in such a state of development that I haven't even been able to test Grim Flayer myself. As me being a biologist, a wild plane wich it's main feature was nature, echosystems, beasts and monsters? Reanimate However, since the adjustments are a combination of the above lines, they are not listed here. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Since we are a fast-combo-deck, there is not much to write here. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Tymna the Weaver You have plenty of creatures that care about your other creatures dying, so feel free to play your hydras and such as 0/0s just to get the triggers! And not only could it be too slow, it doesn't prevent the other, faster decks from winning. This card is insanely strong in this deck, because both effects are useful. tell me what you think! Attention! TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Reanimator. Grand Abolisher Nethroi, Aristocrat Self Mill (EDH Deckbuilding) - HubPages + Rise of the Dark Realms is $15 and nine mana. *Disclaimer, This page is in construction.