For example, Psalm 24 says, "The Lord owns the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it. Is your heart conditioned to listen and obey? Speak of bringing the Bible down into the vernacular! Now that you have your list of observations, you can wrestle with the questions that arise from them and the things that youve seen. Some use the term to describe a discussion group, which may discuss the Bible or some other uplifting book. These three parts are observation, interpretation, and application. This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History . Not just for knowledge, but much more-- Bible studies include workbooks that help connect you to the ideas of Bible texts. Its about observing exactly what the text is saying. Though he draw them they will not come to him, and when he calls them they will give him no answer. Your goal in observing is to identify what the author was trying to communicate to his readers. In a very real sense we are giving our brain a bath; we are washing it in the purifying solution of Gods Word (cp Ep 5:26-note). THE ERROR IN THE "FORK" IN THE ROAD For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God. Chapters, verses and subheadings are all very convenient and helpful, but when it comes time for genuine study, its appropriate to remember theyre not inspired elements of Scripture. Observation answers the question: What do I see? The third rule for our guide should be Read And Apply. So before we can apply the truth as God intended, we need to be certain that our interpretation is accurate, which in turn hinges on careful observation. How to Do an Inductive Bible Study - Logos Bible Software Again, we feel God's promises to be too high for us, we know He is perfect, and we are vile. Girdlestone in his 1887 classic "How to Study the English Bible" has a chapter on application that speaks to "THE PRACTICAL AND DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE" - We have now come to the last and most important stage of our subject. You might see the word Messiah and think, I know what that means. But that can undermine your ability to discover new things. One practical approach to Bible study is a four-part process of observation, interpretation, connection, and application. Is it because of ignorance, rebellion or indifference? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Our favorite strategy is to rationalize sin instead of repent. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. Stout old Martin Luther used to say, All vital religion is in the personal and possessive pronouns. Is it not so? Why Are There Lament Psalms at the End of the Psalter? Zechariah Application is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road", where our walk either does or does not back up our talk and where head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. Instead, we need to be Bible "bees", using inductive study to go deep into the Scriptures obtaining its divine nectar and then allowing God's "nectar" to change us. Such a person is like the church who had a new pastor who preached the same sermon every Sunday. What is the clearest meaning of this text? Jesus warned that Bible study as the end in itself, can be deceptively dangerous declaring to the Jewish leaders You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have life. They had mastered the Old Testament, but they were never mastered by the truth itself. Make them your own. How to Study the Bible Using Observation - Billy Graham Evangelistic To know and not to do is not to know at all. (John 17:3), Heart appropriation, not merely head apprehension, is the true goal of Bible study. When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, How much influence is the Bible supposed to have on society? Its the shortest of the Gospels, and you might have noticed that Mark seems focused on the action and hitting all the significant points. In truth thou canst not read the Scriptures too much; They are to leave behind their assumptions and make a ruling based on the facts alone. But the bee would light on a flower and it would sink down deep into the flower and it would extract all the nectar and pollen that it could carry. You might make a circle around those terms as a reminder to focus on those later. Its helpful to take a funnel approach to the book youre reading. We need to be honest with ourselves at this point. Ruth John View our top Cru resources in more than 20 languages. Take the time to dive into the application step. 2 Corinthians I have known of some, too, who gloried in final perseverance, but who, if they had finally persevered would certainly have been in hell, for they were on the road there. As someone has blunted phrased it "Interpretation without application is abortion.". For instance, the New International Version a popular modern translation of the Bible breaks sections in Philippians 1 down like this: Pauls Chains Advance the Gospel (vv. If a servant were to hear but not do, how quickly the judgment would be given. But His smile quickly drives it away; Refrain, But we never can prove the delights of His love What is the key to applying the Bible to my life? Do not be afraid to ask hard or silly questions. (1Ti 4:8+, 1Ti 4:9, 10+). R4`:|ut\#jDAh]Y1]|{ >^*8"I+ +N-rjiSS-Q*c9eF,xyV]%^p]=dG- J&naSP Jesus emphasized this important truth again in John 17 declaring. Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring. You cannot expect to approach the Bible with the same level of investment that youd give your favorite novel. Where does your passage show how human beings or their world are broken? (The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word), Jesus explains that relationship (and importance) between knowing God's Word and doing God's Word, declaringIf (If = 3rd class condition = possibility / probability but not a certainty! Men may have in their study of the Scriptures other ends also, as the profit and edification of others. In fact, it has become the benchmark of Bible study for many people. Can abide while we trust and obey. Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible. Woe! Permissions Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. in my dealings with the world ? Song of Solomon So if youre studying Mark, start by reading the entire book. Right here, we have countless book Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Application Through The Lenses Of History Literature And Theology and collections to . Honest application of the text requires these kinds of questions and the wrestling of ideas when truth causes conflict. In Psalm 119:18, David said, "Open my eyes so I can truly see the marvelous things in your . )R z9=_)\_`w0s3^xT{bhi ?%\hMKINZ>0!L ik0%kjDb V >{f NGaE"VU{Z}M-9Eik$oflK pA!~~?\sDNSUke In other words, am I applying this truth? Mark it down -- You can measure the eternal effectiveness of your inductive Bible study by the temporal effect it has on your behavior and attitudes. Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. It also becomes a source of support for you during difficult times. That's a frightening statement! Avoid basing important doctrines on obscure passages. Why did Mark feel this title was necessary on top of calling Jesus the Messiah? How to Study the Bible | Cru - 2. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. If we fail to apply the Scriptures, we cut short the entire process and have not finished what God wants us to do. The best way to define application is to first determine what it is not. J@GD0Q0rqD@!QTTXF1ID>IgIyy;GABp_8;.7_0?\h*4z/Bzc`S!zJP2[VgVM52,6.*0.199QP1T`}G/I(tSE)BQF*jE()*RMq>&}P* Verse by Verse Ministry This seems to be the kickoff point of Jesus ministry. It's better to live one verse of the Bible than to recite an entire chapter. Avoid the temptation to try to make the text mean anything just yet. 0 :L 1 Timothy But one who looks intently (a picture of the man who meditates -- puritan Richard Baxter said "There must be inward practice by meditation and outward practice in true obedience.") Righteousness in simple terms is whatever God says is right on any subject. What does this passage teach that is still as true today as it was when it was written? Inductive Bible Study is an ideal textbook for courses in biblical interpretation, and for anyone who desires to better understand and teach Scripture. This guide presents three basic steps of Inductive bible studies, Observation, Interpretation and Application. It isthe act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose. Romans Acronym to Aid Application. But you may know that Luke and Matthew begin with Jesus birth story. -- F. B. Meyer, Read it to get the facts, study it to get the meaning, meditate on it to get the benefit. (Ps139:23, 24+; cf. Don't be like the man who boasted "I go through the entire Bible once every year".Application instead confronts us face to face with the question "How many times has the Bible gone through you?" PDF Simple Biblical Interpretation - Westminster Theological Seminary P Is there a Prayer to pray or a Priority to change? Think of it as an appointment that you do not want to miss. How does he save or provide a way when people are unable? 1 Samuel Now you know the three simple steps to running your own inductive Bible study. The gospel is a very solemn thing to every man, because if it be not a savour of life unto life, since it must always be a savour of some sort, it therefore becomes a savour of death unto death. The writer of Psalm 119+ (virtually every verse of which deals with some aspect of God's holy Word) speaks to the importance of one's attitude that should undergird and stimulate right and ready application of truth gleaned Princes persecute me without cause, but (what's being contrasted?) 1 John And yet, so complete is the delusion, that Christians never realize they are not living good Christian lives. Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. Its easy to become reliant upon commentary to explain the text to you, and this circumvents many of the benefits of study. Life Application: What joy is experienced when deliberate Bible study moves from a 'have to' to a 'want to!' And what thou understandest well, thou canst not too well teach; This is a dishonest way to interpret the text. mo!zZJ:%3EAOnaY`z)p%Vv"-H=m>!MX|ov:Hh7vNmm%pZCY&,Z&!#+SzdOP ]LQ)A3_V@UU@Gz @mC-+BvH4sbC}&3A{ BV_$hyr0>Kiw>B/'/,fWGv>o|%vEQ mU0b-rxOw2)5t^_^~~p- God's Word is the flawless discerner, perfectly analyzing our every motive, intention, and belief. Where similar words are used, explore the context of each of those instances. How can we know what parts of the Bible apply to us today? There is always something new to uncover in the Bible. H. P. Barker has a graphic illustration emphasizing the importance of both knowing and doing the Bibles truths As I looked out into the garden one day, I saw three things. The goal of Bible study is not simply to determine what it says and what it means, but in the final analysis to apply it to one's life. This typically involves reading a shorter Bible passage and doing less in-depth investigation of the text. The world desperately needs to see the Word's miracle-working power at work in our own lives as living proof! (Col 1:28, 29-See notes Col 1:28; 1:29), The basis for application is 2 Timothy 3:16. When you take a book like Romans one piece at a time, you can miss the forest for the trees. Follow it by personally doing what it bids thee. In the third chapter, Matthew tells us about Jesus baptism by John. Will Graham Devotion: A Sacrifice That Costs Nothing Is Worth Nothing. We must adjust ourselves to the Bible 0000008074 00000 n ", The goal of Inductive Bible study is Shows the way. Based on what youve learned, what does this passage mean for you? to my own life and destiny and relation to God? Resources Bible Study Inductive Bible Study. Commentaries are fantastic tools. To profess great love for Gods word or even to pose as a Bible student is a form of self-deception unless our increasing knowledge of the word is producing increasing likeness to the Lord Jesus. PDF 10 BIBLE STUDY OBSERVATION AND INTERPRETATION - Home Baptist Church When we have read the Bible, many passages may become "overfamiliar." We think that we know what they say and cease . For he set its foundation upon the seas, and established it upon the ocean currents. This is always the most challengingportion of Bible study, which most people give only cursory attention to (unfortunately).The key to doing Bible study is . And the botanist had a big notebook under his arm and a great big magnifying glass. We are either a little more sweetened or a little more hardened. It is more focused on the immediate application of the passage to your life. There are many ways we can study the Bible, but one of the most influential and simple approaches to reading and understanding God's Word involves three simple steps: Step 1: ObservationWhat does the passage say? Our Goal in Interpreting . It will make "all the difference" in this life and the next for as Paul wrote godliness (eusebeia) (produced by discipline and diligent application of God's Word) is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. It might be tempting to stop at the interpretation phase, but youll be selling yourself and Scripture short if you do. Observe whats there, and document it. This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. Youll also notice right out of the gate that Mark has introduced Jesus with two titles: Messiah and Son of God. We build up a reservoir of responses so that whenever the truth gets too convicting, weve got a multiplicity of reasons why it applies to everyone else but us! Live in another country building relationships and ministries with eternal impact. Try (Ed: in the sense of to test or examine) what you hear; try what you profess; try what you read. For instance, if you pick up the Book of Galatians at the beginning of chapter 4, youll find yourself in the middle of Pauls argument: What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. The heart that stands in awe of God's word is armed against the temptations that arise from persecution (A good application). and Here are a few questions you can ask: There are a few essential rules to remember when attempting to interpret a passage: Make sure you spend a good chunk of time with this phase. If you want to discover what these authors have to tell you, youll have to do some work. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application Many times a Bible passage is read only with eyes but not with the mind engaged. To pick up the thread of Pauls argument, you need to go back and catch up. (1) Substituting interpretation for application as did the Pharisees; (2) substituting superficial obedience for substantial life-change and. In His Words: What Billy Graham Once Said About Eternity. If there is a warning to be followed, we heed it. 7 Principles for Teaching Kids to Interpret the Bible Gather them. Inductive Bible study students should strive to be men and women like Ezra whose pattern was to teach the truth that he had put into practice. Bibles today divide up the individual books within them with chapters and verses, but Bibles havent always done this. Sow a thought, reap an action. ", Oswald Chambers in his typical "no nonsense" style reminds us that"One step forward in obedience is worth years of study about it", We have to be careful not to deceive ourselves. Then you might turn your attention to verses 18 in the first chapter. Sometimes the application will simply be deeper faith and firmer belief. Many of them include commentary at the bottom of the page or in the margins. This video series demonstrates how to perform inductive Bible study using the Logos Bible app thats free for web, mobile, or desktop. of precise observation, which is essential for accurate interpretation. It is the supernatural, progressive revelation of who God is and man's relationship to God. Used by cults. The effect of this piercing is to reveal whether there is spirit or not. Click To Tweet Inductive Bible Study Although the Bible tells one cohesive story, it does so through the work of many authors who wrote during times hundreds of years apart. So people go to church, and enjoy the preaching, and yet do not do what God asks. Like Ezra we should make every effort to handle it accurately and live it out assiduously (with perseverance and care)! Home Our Lord taught that those who are, blessed (makarios [word study]) are those who hear the word of God and observe (phulasso [word study]) it. Scripture reading and Bible study always represents (so to speak) a "God sighting" ("God speaking") and as such always applies to us as His creatures. You can find the Inductive Bible Study Workflow (with five other Workflows and many other Bible Study tools) inLogos Starter. By What was the result in his life and by way of application what will be the result in our life if we emulate his example? So even though you might be familiar with the word Messiah, you might want to focus on Mark and his original audience. 1 Kings And while pastors and teachers are wonderful, individual Christians should also be able to pick up any passage and read it with basic understanding and application. And what thou readest well, thou canst not too well understand; We don't really know the Bible unless we obey the Bible, God had a scathing rebuke for His people Israel through His prophet Ezekiel "They (the people of Israel) come to you (the prophet Ezekiel) as people come and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth and their heart goes after their gain." Inductive Bible study draws its conclusions from the text, not our assumptions. 1ICR, No, even though the town of Bethlehem was only only five miles down the road from Jerusalem. 0000005006 00000 n Too often we come to Gods Word to study it, to teach it, etcto do everything in the world with it except be changed by it! Some of them can only be answered by examining the text again or even by looking at other parts of the Bible. And how prevalent the sight of multitudes of Christians listening to the Word of God most regularly and earnestly, and yet not doing it! The inductive method is an investigative way of studying Scripture that can be used by both new and seasoned students alike. Inductive Bible Study: Observation, Interpretation, and Application James Thus, interpretation flows out of observation. Youre attempting to get a sense of the whole before you begin to break down the parts. EP !HOz King Edward VI of England would stand while the Word of God was read in worship service. The adventure of following God's will takes on a whole new complexion when we stop to listen and then act upon what we hear. As a result, that man became a Christian. While there are several great methods of studying the Bible, heres a simple method one can follow: Observation, Interpretation, Transformation and Application. Isaiah Connect each passage back to the gospel and the broader message of the Bible. (How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30). In Bible study, application is putting truth you've discovered (through observation and interpretation) to use in your life with the ultimate goal of transformation or life change. The whole Bible tells the story of how God, in his grace and mercy, comes to the rescue of rebellious people living in a broken world. The New Testament gives us further teaching about the way of approach, and makes new demands on our spiritual life, whilst offering us a new standard to live up to. Take care, nonetheless, to seek for the application of precepts. The person who knows the truth but doesn't act on it is not simply making a mistake or showing poor judgment but he is in sin. In other words, every time you observe and interpret but fail to apply, you perform an abortion on the Scriptures in terms of their purpose. Refrain, Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, For one thing people mistake the pleasure they have in hearing the Word of God for Christianity and worship. Scripture interprets Scripture. This speak of a personal choice that must be made) any man is willing (thelo = desires, wishes, delights [cp Ps 1:2-note], takes pleasure, is inclined to; the present tense - speaks of one's general direction of their life) to do (present tense - again speaks of one's general habit of practice = toward obedience not toward disobedience) His will, he shall know (ginosko = speaks not just of "head" knowing but of an experiential knowledge, a more intimate knowledge) of the teaching (didache - word study), whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself. There are great apps out there, like YouVersion, that allow you to set reminders for yourself to get into Gods Word. The real question is do I always want to hear God's voice? The Bible is an inexhaustible mine of precious gems. Ecclesiastes Truth revealed brings responsibility to respond. If a Christian is careless in Bible reading, he will care less about Christian living. He knoweth what we have need of before we ask, but He expects us to ask all the same. /+X$!acR\Y[/EC%D @2ADk0uHha3j^ Once you do that, you can start shining a light on smaller sections of Scripture. Greater knowledge should always bring about greater obedience, enabled by grace not law, empowered by the indwelling Spirit as we learn to discard self effort and depend on the Spirit. Sow a character, reap a destiny! (MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word), Andrew Murray writing about the discrepancy between knowing and doing, remarked. Lamentations It can provide you with answers you werent able to come up with on your own, and maybe give you some clues on interpretive techniques and tools in the future. Its good to set aside time for both devotional reading and studying. When people started complaining, he told the congregation, "I'll preach a new sermon when you act on this one. If there is a promise to be embraced, we claim it. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We all have a story. ", As William Temple said "Every revelation of God is a demand and the way to knowledge of God is by obedience. Obadiah I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee! Well, it is a very fine promise, but if it is read to me thus: I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, what a transformed and glorified promise it then becomes! It is a trustworthy (pistos = faithful; cp Paul's 4 "faithful sayings" - 1Ti 1:15, 4:9, 2Ti 2:11+, Titus 3:8+) statement deserving full acceptanceit is for this (godliness) we labor (kopiao = to the point of exhaustion; present tense = continually) and strive (agonizomai = as when striving in an athletic contest emphasizing concentration, discipline, conviction, effort; present tense = continually)." The older we are, the more experienced we become at rationalizing sin. Our first duty is to meditate. We may find something in every passage which comes before us both to pray over and to thank God over. Use your hobbies and interests to find the best place for you to serve. Absolutely. Be sure to visit the Precept Ministries International Web site to go deeper into inductive Bible study. There are three basic approaches to Bible interpretation: A. This is not the fruit of slavish fear, but of holy love; it is not afraid of the Word, but delighting in it, as it discovers the mind of God to us; as in the next verse it is written, "I rejoice at Thy word." We may hear words like "hermeneutics" (the science of interpretation) or "exegesis" (critical explanation or interpretation of a text) and think interpretation is something best left to experts. I have known some rejoice greatly in the doctrine of election who never were elected, and some who were very pleased with the doctrine of justification by faith, but who had no faith by which to be justified. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. The main tool for each step is the Bible itself, meaning that when there is a question in my mind as to a passage's meaning, I first look to other scripture to provide the answer.
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