Reference to that day typically refers to the last day, or days. Let put in context that the bible mentions a number 200 million man army this is a huge footprint of evidence , the fbi announced two years ago that china has a military this large the only one in the world and there East of Israel when they cross the river this will be the begining of Armageddon because there intent is to destroy Israel, God will not allow it to happen. Everyone receives something in the body of Christ, and we come together as siblings to share. The Euphrates River has been drying up for years, but why? [94] Another bilateral agreement from 1989 between Syria and Iraq settles the amount of water flowing into Iraq at 60 percent of the amount that Syria receives from Turkey. The first time the Euphrates River was mentioned was cuneiform texts found in Shuruppak and pre-Sargonic Nippur. Arabic: al-Furt; Syriac: Prt, Hebrew: Prat) and in other nearby languages of the time (cf. Essentially, what this shows us is that the drying up of the Euphrates is connected to the armies of the world readying for this battle (which isnt a battle in any sense of the word). PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ic291bGEtY29udGVudF8yIiBpZD0ic291bGEtMTU1NjI5NTE4NCI+PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vcGFnZWFkMi5nb29nbGVzeW5kaWNhdGlvbi5jb20vcGFnZWFkL2pzL2Fkc2J5Z29vZ2xlLmpzP2NsaWVudD1jYS1wdWItODI1MjA4NzMwODM3MzUzNiIgY3Jvc3NvcmlnaW49ImFub255bW91cyI+PC9zY3JpcHQ+PGlucyBjbGFzcz0iYWRzYnlnb29nbGUiIHN0eWxlPSJkaXNwbGF5OmJsb2NrOyIgZGF0YS1hZC1jbGllbnQ9ImNhLXB1Yi04MjUyMDg3MzA4MzczNTM2IiAKZGF0YS1hZC1zbG90PSIiIApkYXRhLWFkLWZvcm1hdD0iYXV0byI+PC9pbnM+CjxzY3JpcHQ+IAooYWRzYnlnb29nbGUgPSB3aW5kb3cuYWRzYnlnb29nbGUgfHwgW10pLnB1c2goe30pOyAKPC9zY3JpcHQ+CjwvZGl2Pg==. Therefore: The Euphrates = the "many waters" = the peoples of the world. National Aquaculture Sector Overview Fact Sheets", "The Earliest Paleolithic Occupation in Syria", "Dcouvertes de Restes Humains dans les Niveaux Acheulens de Nadaouiyeh An Askar (El Kowm, Syrie Centrale)", "Protecting one of the best Roman Mosaic Collections in the World: Ownership and Protection in the Case of the Roman Mosaics from Zeugma, Turkey", "Early Urban Development in the Near East",, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 15:44. What is the Prophetic Significance of Digital Currency? Verse 15 (NIV) references the Euphrates Not sure what other translations say? In times of rain, it gushes into northern Syria through the Turkish border and flows diagonally across the war-torn country towards Iraq. Revelation 6:1-2 "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. [17] However, these averages mask the high inter-annual variability in discharge; at Birecik, just north of the SyroTurkish border, annual discharges have been measured that ranged from a low volume of 15.3 cubic kilometres (3.7cumi) in 1961 to a high of 42.7 cubic kilometres (10.2cumi) in 1963. December 6, 2022 The Euphrates is the longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western Asia. And it is a prophecy of Jacob, that from Ian the Antichrist will come, as it has been mentioned several times. The rise in temperatures caused by climate change increase the risks and severity of droughts.More than five million people in Syria directly depend on the river.Khaled al-Khamees , a 50-year-old farmer from Rumayleh in Alepp Province, was financially affected when a creeping drought hit his land this year.#Euphratesriver #watercrisis #syria However, this news has also garnered attention from many Christians familiar with bible prophecy for other legitimate reasons as the Euphrates river will play an important role during the tribulation. The minimum volume at Ht remained relatively unchanged, rising from 55 cubic metres (1,900cuft) per second before 1990 to 58 cubic metres (2,000cuft) per second afterward. The amount fellfrom 500 to 200 cubic metres per second. Once Hes given us eternal life, we can trust in the fact that we have it forever. The Syrian government of Youssef Zain in 1968 built the Euphrates Dam without diverting the Euphrates River to the desert and establishing lakes there. Its a humanitarian catastrophe, he said. Often times people lump the the 6th trumpet judgment in Revelation 9:13-21 with the 6th bowl judgment in Revelation 16:12-16 and I just dont see the relation or the interpretational justification to do so. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Appel Projets Archologiques d'Urgence", "The EuphratesTigris Basin: An Overview and Opportunities for Cooperation under International Law", "National Aquaculture Sector Overview. The Euphrates River. What this should show us instead is that when we consider this along with the many prophetic signs converging on our time, it acts as a marker of where we are prophetically which should strengthen our faith in Gods Word and excite us as our blessed hope draws near. Iraq Suffers as the Euphrates River Dwindles - The New York Times The decrease in water primarily has resulted from a major drought in 2007 and the loss of snow pack in the mountains to the north. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. All rights reserved. You probably dont agree with the book of 2 Baruk which states that. I have accepted that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but I feel like Im doubting myself whether or not I truly believe that. [55] The many dams and irrigation schemes, and the associated large-scale water abstraction, have also had a detrimental effect on the ecologically already fragile Mesopotamian Marshes and on freshwater fish habitats in Iraq. The Euphrates River Has Completely Dried Up In Iraq And Syria The drying up of Euphrates, Syria's longest river is raising concerns as the demise of th SIGNS OF END TIME. Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of thegolden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, Release the four angels who are boundat the great river Euphrates. So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill athird of mankind. For instance, the most common snakes in the Euphrates River are Persian sand vipers, Levantine vipers, desert black vipers, beaked sea snakes, and yellow sea snakes. The Euphrates River Finally Dried Up But Now Something Has appeared, Ancient Ruins Reclaimed by Nature Jungle Paludarium with DIY Waterfall Statue Face, Finding Atlantis - Full Science Documentary, The Birth of Civilisation - Rise of Uruk (6500 BC to 3200 BC), Jericho - The First City on Earth? It was planned that 640,000 hectares (2,500sqmi) should be irrigated from Lake Assad, but in 2000 only 100,000124,000 hectares (390480sqmi) had been realized. The Euphrates, which is 2,800 kilometres long, flows from Turkey into Syria and Iraq. [73] During the 5th millennium BCE, or late Ubaid period, northeastern Syria was dotted by small villages, although some of them grew to a size of over 10 hectares (25 acres). [12][16] The average natural annual flow of the Euphrates has been determined from early- and mid-twentieth century records as 20.9 cubic kilometres (5.0cumi) at Keban, 36.6 cubic kilometres (8.8cumi) at Ht and 21.5 cubic kilometres (5.2cumi) at Hindiya. A fine and extensive natural wetlands ecosystem, they developed over thousands of years in the Tigris-Euphrates basin and once covered 15,000-20,000 square kilometers.According to the United Nations Environmental Program and the AMAR Charitable Foundation, between 84 percent and 90 percent of the marshes . [72] Occupation of lower Mesopotamia started in the 6th millennium and is generally associated with the introduction of irrigation, as rainfall in this area is insufficient for dry agriculture. This road leads to my village west of #kobani, which was flooded in year 99 as a result of establishment of a lake on Euphrates river . Perhaps you had another passage in mind? Because God is holy He must judge sin. Revelation 9:13-16 describes the release of four angels who are bound at the Euphrates River and the aftermath of their release: the slaying of a 1/3 of mankind by 200 million horsemen: " (13) And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, (14) Saying to the sixth . Whats happening to the river currently is not the fulfillment of that prophecy. The Sixth Bowl Judgment occurs during the DAY OF THE LORD, when God pronounces Judgement upon the earth. The Euphrates is drying up. Although today nothing of it survives due to human interference, research suggests that the Euphrates Valley would have supported a riverine forest. Do you not see that as the tribulation? Now, The drying up of the Euphrates River is not just a prophecy, but it is actually happening today. In these texts, written in Sumerian, the Euphrates is called Buranuna (logographic: UD.KIB.NUN). The longest waterway in Western Asia, the Euphrates runs 1,700 miles from the mountains of eastern Turkey to the Persian Gulf. Before the sixth bowl, the. The Euphrates is the longest river of Western Asia. Evidence for irrigation has been found at several sites dating to this period, including Tell es-Sawwan. Just a few more centimetres and the turbines will stop producing electricity. With the construction of large hydropower stations, irrigation schemes, and pipelines capable of transporting water over large distances, many more people now depend on the river for basic amenities such as electricity and drinking water than in the past. Many of us understand this, but regardless, this view is cropping up here and there and due to that, I believe its important to address to prevent confusion. These things were revealed to us so that we have confidence in Gods word and believe in Jesus (John 13:19). In this article, we will look at the Euphrates Rivers historical perspective and how its water levels have changed throughout history. With this being said, some are saying that the current drying of the Euphrates river is fulfilling bible prophecy, but is this truly the case? [50][51][52], Apart from the changes in the discharge regime of the river, the numerous dams and irrigation projects have also had other effects on the environment. The great river Euphrates will dry up because, as some say, the Antichrist will come from the east through the Euphrates, and from the tribe of Ian, one of the sons of the patriarch Jacob. Throughout history, the Euphrates River has experienced several episodes of severe drought. Is there anything else in Gods word that leads you to believe this is currently being fulfilled? It also allows large freight barges to navigate up to Baghdad. As a result, the river level has dropped by at least 5 meters for the first time in its history. Please check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. In Iraq, they are battling the worst drought theyve ever seen. In the Christian Bible, the Euphrates River is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament. Syrias longest river used to flow by his olive grove, but Khaled al-Khamees says it has now receded into the distance, parching his trees and leaving his family with hardly a drop to drink. First, it takes place during the tribulation period and more specifically towards the end as its the second to last bowl judgment. What do the seven thunders in Revelation 10:1-7 mean? Join us as we dig deeper into the terrifying details scientists have revealed about the changes in the Euphrates river, and what it could mean for the future of mankind. How do I know that I believe he died on the cross? [87] The Achaemenid Empire was in turn overrun by Alexander the Great, who defeated the last king Darius III and died in Babylon in 323 BCE.[88]. You can also find an array of plants and trees along the rivers coast including rose/plum, pistachio trees, and oaks. They will come from the parts of the East, that is, from the parts of Gog and Magog, as we will see about them later in Revelation. The Euphrates is drying up. If you have any further questions, email me, or reach out to me on my social media pages. Wow, this commentary is far removed from reality and inputs so much human wisdom its scary. [41] C. 910,000 hectares (3,500sqmi) of this irrigated land is located in the Euphrates basin. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Weve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Psalm 51:5,Romans 3:23) and due to this theres nothing we can do to save ourselves or somehow work our way to heaven (Isaiah 64:6). For us, its a time of hope as our redemption draws near, but for those yet saved, they lack the same hope and instead may find themselves living in fear as to what tomorrow may bring. Over the past few years, the water level of the Euphrates River has dropped dramatically. Hi Richard. Some officials worry that it could soon be half of what it is now. This simply isnt the case scripturally nor is it an accurate reflection of whats currently going on in the world. For these parts of that time are reserved, and shall be mingled one with another and minister one to another. Thank you for signing up to our weekly newsletter. On 15 April 2014, Turkey began to reduce the flow of the Euphrates into Syria and Iraq. Behold, I am coming as a thief. [64], In Islam, a hadith is mentioned prophecying about unearthing of a gold mountain beneath the Euphrates river before the apocalypse, with many people dying fighting over it; it is said to be one of the future minor signs of the coming of Judgement Day:[65][66]. In that day is often a reference to either the tribulation period or the second coming of Christ and not the last days in general. Although God offers humanity the gift of eternal life through the shed blood of His son, its our choice to either reject this gift and pay for the penalty of our sin ourselves or accept it by placing our trust in the one whos already paid it all in full (Acts 16:30-31,Romans 6:23,Ephesians 2:8-9). Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! It will be the most important decision of your life, for eternal life. The Euphrates softshell turtle is an endangered soft-shelled turtle that is limited to the TigrisEuphrates river system. Introduction Every day, your skin is exposed to numerous environmental aggressors, such as pollution, UV rays, and stress, that can. In 2 Timothy 3:1-7 and Isaiah 5:20, we are told in the Last Days men would become wicked, and people would "call evil good, and good evil". According to both Daoudy and Frenken, Turkey's share is 28 percent, Syria's is 17 percent and that of Iraq is 40 percent. Subsequent to this, the region came under the control of the Seleucid Empire (312150 BC), Parthian Empire (150226 AD) (during which several Neo-Assyrian states such as Adiabene came to rule certain regions of the Euphrates), and was fought over by the Roman Empire, its succeeding Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire (226638 AD), until the Islamic conquest of the mid 7th century AD. [63] Parts of the flooded area have recently become accessible again due to the drying up of the lake, resulting not only in new possibilities for archaeologists to do more research, but also providing opportunities for looting, which has been rampant elsewhere in Iraq in the wake of the 2003 invasion. How many times has the euphrates river dried up. Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. The presence of Eurasian beaver has been attested in the bone assemblage of the prehistoric site of Tell Abu Hureyra in Syria, but the beaver has never been sighted in historical times. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. People will fight each other for this gold, and ninety-nine people out of every hundred will die. I encourage you to make theright decisionabout Jesus today! It winds through Iraq for 660 miles. What is the Prophetic Significance of the Third Temple? I believe that this is prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. Some people however believe this army to be 200 million human men. The Euphrates River has played a crucial role in the development and growth of several ancient civilizations. The chapter as a whole deals with the millennial reign of Christ and I would also say the end of the tribulation period (inferred through God regathering the Jews from all over the world for example) but no references to the Euphrates. In Sumerian, the name of the city of Sippar in modern-day Iraq was also written UD.KIB.NUN, indicating a historically strong relationship between the city and the river. Originating in Turkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf. Sadly, the Tigris, another biblical river, is also losing water and drying out. Euphrates Is Drying Up: For The First Time.. - Jellyfish.NEWS [36] The Tabqa Dam is Syria's largest dam and its reservoir (Lake Assad) is an important source of irrigation and drinking water. So this verse would actually work well with the point Im making that the drying of the Euphrates as prophesied in scripture occurs at a specific time in the future. Its likely the city and the river were connected in importance and divinity. What is the cause for the Euphrates River to dry up? The Euphrates is a long river that symbolizes, to some, the end of the world. Scroll to continue reading. It was referred to as Buranuna, an ancient Sumerian word. Along with droughts, Iraq and the surrounding area also suffers from climate change and rising temperatures. I appreciate this article for its clear-headed explanation that the present-day drying up of the Euphrates is not a fulfillment of prophecy. By these threeplaguesa third of mankind was killedby the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. The Syrian brown bear can be found in the mountains of Southeast Turkey. Because of low rainfall, high temperatures, and the drying of the river, crops are failing, which has led to over 800 families leaving the villages around the Euphrates River. And what is the importance of the Euphrates River? I wrote about my views on this in this article: Yes, the Euphrates River has been temporarily dried up or reduced to low flow in the past, due to various reasons such as drought, human activities like dam building, or changes in water distribution by upstream countries. Together with the Tigris, it is one of the two defining rivers of Mesopotamia (lit. Reputed to have once flown through the biblical Garden of Eden, the Euphrates runs for almost 2,800 kilometres (1,700 miles) across Turkey, Syria and Iraq. [77] The spread of southern Mesopotamian pottery, architecture and sealings far into Turkey and Iran has generally been interpreted as the material reflection of a widespread trade system aimed at providing the Mesopotamian cities with raw materials. Now the Euphrates is drying up due to farmer mismanagement. Does this mean that the drying up of the Euphrates river as were currently witnessing it has no significance? The river also significantly developed the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian empires, which controlled the region between the 24th and 7th centuries BCE. Then the sixth angel poured out his bowlon the great river Euphrates,and its water was dried up,so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. It is not possible to determine the exact number of times the Euphrates River has dried up as there is limited historical data. The drier parts of the xeric woodland zone supports less dense oak forest and Rosaceae. Hundreds of thousands of civilians living in the Euphrates Basin in the city of Al Jazeera are vulnerable to and humanitarian catastrophe. It concerns the drying up of the Euphrates River. Here are some passages I encourage you to read that speaks to assurance of salvation: John 5:24; 6:35-40; 10:7-10; 27-30; 1 John 5:12-13. NKJV, ESV, NASB, etc) just note the river and dont mention the Euphrates by name unlike the NIV. From Keban to the SyrianTurkish border, the river drops another 368 metres (1,207ft) over a distance of less than 600 kilometres (370mi). What Lives At The Bottom of The Mississippi River? [59][60] The construction of the Tabqa Dam in Syria led to a large international campaign coordinated by UNESCO to document the heritage that would disappear under the waters of Lake Assad. Especially the flooding of Zeugma with its unique Roman mosaics by the reservoir of the Birecik Dam has generated much controversy in both the Turkish and international press. What Happens to Those who have Never Heard About Jesus? Almost 90% of rain-fed crops, mostly wheat and barley, failed this season, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Iraq. (Revelation 9:13-19). Twilight of the Tigris: Iraq's mighty river is drying up Humanitarian organisationsfear an imminent catastrophe in northeastern Syria, where the Euphrates flow rate has been raising concerns since January. The 1,700-mile-long Euphrates is the main source of drinking water as well as powering three hydroelectric plants that produce electricity for about three million people in Syria. The river featured on the coat of arms of Iraq from 1932 to 1959. The aid groups and engineers have expressed their concern at the possibility of a humanitarian disaster in northeastern Syria.Rising temperatures, lower rainfall and drought across the region are depriving people of drinking water and agricultural water. Since the start of 2021,water levels have fallen by five metres. What they primarily point to to make this case is Revelation 16:12, a description of the sixth bowl judgment.
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