I will, at my next appointment, force the shrink to listen to me about my experience. since several compensation claims were filed,to cover assignments, ranging from , two years (24 months) in South Korea DMZ line next day after the 24th INF Division pushed the NK, back up north. Your greatest fight after you serve is to fight to get what you deserve. Below is wife statement, please comment if it is good to go. ask for referrals to see other doctors if you need to. VA court Sleep apnea now a rated disability Roswell Daily. Your VA sleep apnea rating is based upon the severity of your condition. I am in the process of obtaining evidence for an appeal that I submitted. Symptoms such as waking during the night, mood swings, fatigue, and falling asleep during the . Proven Tips #2: Evidence, Nexus Letters and VSO's Even better, use his or her letterhead to write it. Fax: 336 714-0901 A few years ago, prior to the PTSD diagnoses, I was diagnosed with mixed (central, and obstructive) sleep apnea. I distinctly remember him snoring louder than anyone that Id ever heard in my life. Again, I filed for anxiety disorder and VA listed through my records seizures due to talking to my wife (lay person). Layevidenceis generally afforded probative value if it is provided by a person who has knowledge of facts or circumstances and conveys matters that can be observed and described by alayperson. Perhaps to save you all hiring lawyers try using the VET organizations like VFW , Order of the Purple Heart or American Legion most have offices at VA centers stop in and talk to one of them they are very helpful and can help you out. Is this true, or does it make sense to you? Click to Read Shedden v. Principi, 381 F.3d 1163, 1167 (Fed. Keep on fighting eventually you will win!! I was sent asap a form letter to sign to give him the permission he and his staff needed. In short-it was a very bad situation for which if I talked well you get the picture. I have asked my VSO to file a letter of disagreement along with a second letter from my immunologist stating that I was not born with this disease but rather developed it in while in the military. As a fellow disabled Veteran this is shameful and Im on a mission to change it. (development). Also have them check the archives of medical records. Citation Nr: 1530215 He or she is the only one who can give an medical (rationale) opinion, only after reviewing your smr's . I would rather die which I will do as a result of malpractice at the hands of an incompetent foreign doctor in the VA emergency room, than to go thru this arduous and torturous dog and horse show and reems of paperwork to add to my misery before I die and then wait an enormous amount of time which I do not now have thanks to the VA uncaring attitude. View Sleep Apnea Buddy Letter(2).edited.docx from HIST 1380 at University of Manitoba. I have been working as a VSO for 3 yrs and i came across various atrocities. Good Luck keep in touch. Lay evidence is one type of evidence that must be considered, and that competent lay evidence can be sufficient in and of itself. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. I was 10% SC for hypertension but not snoring. It sickens me knowing what this country took from me and how terrible they treat the soldier after they screw him or her up. The author can use VA form 21-4138 but it is not required. It provides the step by step process of researching your claim. My Brother, My heart goes out to you, as for myself, this is my third (3rd.) Be sure to get a copy of your file using the Freedom of Information Act request letter. It took them 9 months to approve my request and that ended up been $13,000 in one payment direct deposit into my bank account. Why? Can prevail in spite of the absence of official records showing incurrence or aggravation of the disease or injury during service. I was denied, even tho I have letters from three different specialists, who have stated the lung problem was caused by my following from the rope. I serviced my Country faithfully during both Vietnam and the 1st Gulf war and should not be pushed aside. Dead bodies were everywhere, and everything smelt like it was on fire. Talk to Us About Your Claim: (866) 232-5777. They have a Duty to Assist. It took three of his old high school friends to retrain him and help carry him home. As I understand it, there are only a few places in the world that the VA is allowing presumptive service-connection for conditions resulting from Agent Orange. There are several factors that lead to the onset of sleep apnea. my illness started when i would get upset, having aniexty attacks, sweating, shaking, because of going into battle dress of encountering missiles firing over my ship. How To Write Convincing VA Statements in Support of Claim The only thing I know is the way I feel and the way they aggravate it. I will remind him to use the device . He refused to see a psychologist because he insisted he could care for himself and went back to work as a chef. U>S Army 1971-74. There is a court of appeals to remedy cases where VA ignores the law, which VA does on a regular basis. 2. However, he went back to sleep and the pattern started new. The United States Government should take a long look at the way it has treated people throughout its history; Indians, blacks, and veteranshmm seems to be a pattern here. I can write my own letter,but that sample guide is an excellent tool. 2007). I would like to see the criteria for agent orange. Things were going great until some fireworks went off unexpectedly, which sent John into a frenzied rage. The easiest way to do this is by obtaining a nexus letter. Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. Went to all their doctors too. According to the law, service connection may be granted for a disability resulting from disease or injury incurred in or aggravated by service. I am having difficulty finding the wordage to use. https://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/dbq_ListByDBQFormName.asp. If a person/organization does not plan on honoring its agreements and commitments, then why bother putting them in place in the first place?! When get this form I will share with you the forms # and what specically needs stated.Good luck to all of you, Have A Nice Turkey Day! Messed me up badly I must tell you. If your issue on service in Vietnam has not been resolved as of this date-let me give you a bit of advice/help. This snoring had me to the point that I was going to ask him to move into the coach. Appreciate the site, and and ideas you have on this subject. I will sincerely appreciate it. If a veteran has persistent difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep or is unable to fall back asleep after waking up, they may qualify for disability compensation for insomnia. OSA is a common denial veterans receive when Episodes where you do not breath when you are asleep. His eBook, the9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claimhas been downloaded more than 300,000 times in the past three years and is the #1 rated free VA disability claims guide for veterans. It goes on and on. Cir. Fax if you can depending what phase of the claim you are in- your evidence often as possible, present it well. Just like the military,hurry up and wait. will there be a panacea the VA can reach for, or would VA be willing to try. Thanks in advanced. Why Was Allison Hickey Covering For Rubens, Graves? Boy, our stories sound pretty much alike: The USA should be ashamed of the way they treat veterans in general, and the out-and-out lies the government puts out. Then medical records and personnel records sent to me from St Louis and VA were totaly incomplete. It helps the person/doctor/NP to find the relevant info faster for your claim. 42 Sleep Apnea Secondary Conditions SECRETS NEW. Yes got it: The former Secretary of The VA!!!! In 2009, I was finally forced to face my sleeping problems. R. at 1457-58. 1. I never attempted to file any claims all these years until Sept 7, 2011. I cant stress it enough do it as soon as possible, I have sleep apnea and i use a seep apnea machine every night for over a year now,and i applied for disability for sleep disorder and i was denied,i have recently reapplied for it,do you think that i will receive it now .Mary, I Serve ten year in the military I was diagnose with sleep anea but they say it not service The 4 Parts of a Buddy Letter - Military Disability Made Easy There has been no problem of these past filed Russian language claims over the past 5 years. Did you know that sleep apnea, has been medically proven to be a secondary to PTSD? Thanks In Advance. I was not rated because according to Navy doctors, an MRI reports showed a spinal bifida occulta S1 defect (birth defect). I am trying now to go back to the 2005 claim, but they are telling me because of the Form 9 was not done, the claim is dead in the water. I know a VA lawyer Jorgensen Law they are in San Diego California, just in case my son gets a denial I would be ready. The only time it saved me from the body fat measurement was my thick neck of 17.5 inches. I and someone with legal status added up my percentage through Federal Code of Regulations 38 and came up with percentage of 86. These letters can describe the nature of a veterans observable symptomsincluding their onset, frequency, duration, and the extent to which they affect or interfere with the veterans lifeas well as the events that may have precipitated the disability at issue. As I tell all my clients, just having a condition does not merit a disability rating from the VA. I buried the event as if it did not take place until 2005 when it came out like an atom bomb. I cannot stand facebook but to find people who served with my son prvided me with loads of info, but you have to decide how much is revelant in your case. Good luck! Several of the decisions I was reading made statements such as "this symptom or this condition was not even mention by the spouse/family member in their letter". Benjamin Krause is a lawyer, investigative reporter and award-winning veterans advocate. Hello fellow vets, First time posting and I had been denied by the VA since 2006 for reason the sleep apnea is not service connected. And immediately I noticed he began to snore very loudly. I also deal with many clients who have been diagnosed with it, post-military-service and do not know how to establish a service connection for sleep apnea. What about other veterans who do not pull their records. (2) an in-service occurrence; and 3. Youll learn about the word game that is used preventing you from winning your claim. They told him in January how much he would be receiving and he had to tile a complaint just to get the denial letter he received. It should clearly describe how he or she knows the veteran and for the length of time. Contact your Senator in Wash., DC. Before John deployed, he was stationed at Camp Lejune and wrote me at least once a week. Remember this one thing: Your claim is not nearly as important to them as it is to you. I average 2 appointments per week assisting fellow veterans. Currently 90% sc and had to retire early do to my sc disabilities. Find another form here. The VA would then followup via telecom. Someone must bleed the words, Not me, I am probably in the chicken coop . PDF Buddy Statements For Sleep Apnea - J & J Spring Enterprises I have applied for military disability. I hope that helps push your claim along by greasing your wheels in at least one way to present your claim to a VA claims adjudicator. So I want to impart some of what I did- hopefully it would someone case here and PDF Nexus Letter For Sleep Apnea - Plusfresc He explained that the veteran contacted VA in April 2010 to withdraw the sleep apnea claim from DRO review so he could proceed to a Board hearing, not to withdraw his sleep apnea claim entirely. Provide this to yourVSO or attorney to help begin the process, whether on appeal or filing a new claim or anywhere in between. We all work for our payxchecks but work for our veteran especially. 100 percent disability rating: $3,621.95 per month. Now think about this.. When I tried to question him, he became angry and yelled louder than Id ever heard him before. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. See 38 C.F.R. We have the form sf 95 but not sure where to send it, I need assistance, any help would be greatly appreciated. VA Claims insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. I live in Anderson, IN I wrote up a free eBook for veterans to download that will help you get a copy of certain files that VA likes to hang on to like your health records, VocRehab records, and similar files that are more difficult to request. 3. I figured i would get maybe 70% and then apeal and get th 100%, but the government decided that i was still employable even thogh the doctor said i wasnt. During this time I had problems sleeping which continues to this day. Today I have not received reimbursement for my January 19, 2011 filed claim for 2010 medical. VA Statement in Support of Claim Example | Bross & Frankel Youll be glad you did. Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. Those from Iraq seem to come first. I am sure your family and friends could testify about your symptoms post and pre war conditions. Since PTSD often manifests many years after a traumatic event, spouses may be a more reliable lay witness than former servicemembers in situations where VA has already conceded the in-service stressor, as the spouse can more accurately testify about the veterans symptoms over time and their impact on his daily life. Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider. I am very good with SSI/SSDI cases because that is my actual job 9 to five.. So just be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the Lord. My snoring started in 1996 after my ankle surgery due to humps in the mountainous terrain in Camp Pendleton. to this date, i submitted a claim in on feb 3, 2010 in for numerous illness, and have contacted my congressman john lewis for help. I say only to defend you and your family because obviously this govenerment cares nothing about their Veterans, especially those that are senior citizens now. VA Disability Claims (General) > Sample Sleep Apnea Nexus Letter needed.. Share. Thanks again and Regards I have 2 college degrees and over 20+ years experience, yet not one of these so-called veteran friendly companies will hire me, and in fact they dont even bother to respond at all! The VA looks at your STRs the information is either there or not. Its genuinely very complex in this full of activity life to listen news on TV, thus I only use world wide web for that reason, and get the latest information. Different Forms of 100% VA Rating (IU vs TDIU vs Schedular vs P&T) What is the veterans reaction toward VA giving out 17 million dollars in free bonus during the year 2015. It took me seven and half year, to get a approval for my left eye, and a increase to 60%. In addition, all lay statements must be signed and dated to be considered by VA. Sample letter for sleep apnea - disability benefits questionnaire. Their main issue is that they cannot find where I was in country. I have shrapnel in my right knee from a grenade that got me just outside of Camp Dobol and the nightmares from the bodies in mass grave sites. Because you often didnt go to the doctor enough while you served on active duty, and thus, your service treatment records do not contain any evidence of a disability or condition. Tell them whats wrong, how long you have been trying to get things done with the VA, and what you want. Thousands of other Veterans in our Community are here for you. R. O ignored sworn letters by my pastor of 50 years, a buddy letter, from a nurse with me at each duty station, they ignored the letter by my husband and two daughters. I wrote this and include a copy of the first two pages of my disability claims letter to give you an idea of how to format your own summary letter. I totally agree with you because my Dad, veteran from WW2, was just denied his VA benefits as small as they were. I, Joe Smith, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge: John Doe and I served together as combat engineers in the U.S. Marine Corps from August 1984 to August 1992. Getting a spousal letter supporting sleep apnea is a great way to get this lay evidence. Sample letter for sleep apnea: Fill out & sign online | DocHub We quickly ordered them to stop, but they didnt listen. I filed immediately a (nasty) letter of disagreement and an appeal . My own VA Psychiastrist says I am unemployable because of PTSD, and gave me the lowest score for disability which says on paper at the VA I suffer from severe PTSD, Hearing and Tintinitus plus vertigo which I receive 20% on. How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. 471 (1994). A credible Medical Nexus Opinion from a private provider IN ADDITION to any lay evidence provided in support of your VA claim. A Disability Benefit Questionnaire (DBQ) can help you prove your medical diagnosis and your current symptoms of the disability or condition. Williams redden. I hereby certify that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Hi, my name is Chris Narcoman, over at the Veterans Law Blog, and if you watch today's video, I bet you have a lot of questions about getting a sleep apnea disability claim, listen, veterans ask me more questions . VFW Department Service Officer The doctor indicated that it was likely that the Veteran first developed sleep apnea around 1970. Eight different sessionsview them all! A well-written statement or buddy statement can be the difference between a grant of service connection for your VA claim and a denial. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. I ended up with a pacemaker/defibrillator implant. It should clearly describe how he or she knows the veteran and for the length of time. I have rad this whole article by mistake whille searching info for a fellow veteran. A fellow servicemember competently testifies to hearing the veteran snore and choke in his sleep during service, but he cannot state that the Veteran has sleep apnea. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. My question is should I put in the dates of future appointments or just my past appointments and since I have already been classified at a percentage do I write my letter from just the point from the first percentage rating. Allison Hickey Final Love Note To VA Employees, Veteran Shocked By Disability Rating Reduction 70 To 0 Percent, Freedom of Information Act request letter, https://www.benefits.va.gov/compensation/dbq_ListByDBQFormName.asp. It turns out the doctord never annotated my medical records. The code on your DD Form 214 might be alerting your potential employers I have a claim in with the VA from injuries while in the Army WTC program for prior service folks. Thanks a lot. In fact, this post was written based on that experience during my first year of law school. . Alternatively, service connection may be established under 38 C.F.R. Click to Read Gilbert v. Derwinski, 1 Vet. It seems that family letters are used by the VA for or against the vet. There must be significant proof to get a successful VA claim these days (as there . In 2010 I was finally granted 30% for major depressive disorder. When we returned home, John hardly kept in touch. Examples Templates. Phone: 336-714-5955 Could someone explain this to me. Usually the service organization has an ongoing relationship with the VA Claims person who is working your file and they can either speak on your behalf or you can submit a letter or e-mail with your exact words and have your service organization submit it directly to the VA RO Winston-Salem. We are the disability experts. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. For example, buddy letters describing an in-service injury will be of little use in a claim for an increased rating or entitlement to TDIU. Can anyone give me a good phone number for the Winston Salem VA office dealing with compensation claims? I read that they can get claims decided a lot faster if you have a qualified medical professional MD, PhD etc,. I live as permanent resident in Ukraine and all past annual medical expense claims and the current unpaid claim are in Russian language. I did the DeNovo and was turned down. I have been trying for 41 years to get what is owed to me, as well as the rest of my brothers who served there country, during those dreadful years. My x-ray yesterday explained why I was hurting so bad, one of the screws broke in half, so part of it is secured in my spine the other part is just floating around causing even more scar tissue. Actually I started gathering evidence when he was in because I started seeing symptoms, not quite PSTD but more Bipolar, he saw psych at least three separate time on the ship during the time of other shipmates committing suicide. All I can do is wait, & fight, and never give up, I pray to God Almighty, that before I die, I will receive what is due to me, as I would like to leave my wife, with something other than her taking care of me all these years. I recently ran into him at the VA and we caught up briefly. While in service I was diagnosed with Asthma,sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, and COPD. These letters can describe the nature of a veteran's observable symptomsincluding their onset, frequency, duration, and the extent to which they affect or interfere with the veteran's lifeas well as the events that may have precipitated the disability at issue. It can turn an active person into someone who's afraid to leave the house. The entire disability claims package, including documentation, was approximately 70 pages. Fortunately, the VA offers sleep studies to veterans who may be suffering Top 5 Reasons for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Claim Denials (Plus OSA Service Connection Tips) Was your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) VA claim denied? Important: Medicalevidenceof a link to a current condition is still needed to establish SC. In 1986, I thought COPD and asthma were one of the same, how ignorant I was. Nexus Letter to VA for Sleep Apnea Sample - EssayCrib VA.gov Home | Veterans Affairs In general, a VA claim requires the following: I have the same deal basically. This quick disability claim letter to VA Comp & Pension from my own claim for sinusitis, sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going. I dont know what the outcome will be nor do I have my hopes up. Basically, I have hypertension and snoring. I filed again with another advocate that someone at the VA told me about. I wish I could sue for pain and suffering. Tell me why. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. I tried not to worry and hoped things would return to normal once he returned home, but they only got worse. Therefore, we are out in the middle of nowhere. Most of the time, the evaluating doctor will complete the NEXUS letter, however, sometimes the veteran must do it. How many Vets take the time to do this? The responsibility to prove a claim lies with the veteran and not them. and these disabilities ratings are affecting my CRSC Payments from the DFAS (the other MF) which is now at the 20% . If you have a certain number of congestion attacks from sinusitis, it will result in a different / higher disability rating that can be supported solely from a layperson statement so long as the STRs indicate the person had sinus trouble in the military. Thats the way they play the game. You may not get the answer you want, but you will at least know how far along you are in the process, if further development is needed, or if the case got resolved. Forget it I give up. I served on the Enterprise and wanted to know what where some of her findings about the ship. Along that same time frame, VA did not have money to pay claims. Also, does the VA automatically rule against genetic diseases? A Medical Nexus Letter from a private provider can help you prove the Nexus, which is that logical link to an in-service injury or event that led to your current disability or condition. I always tell my clients; no VA disability claim has ever been denied because there was simply too much evidence! [font=&]My name is XXXXX. I am 87 years and my principal, among others, malady is CS F rhinorrhoea which means that the brain containing sack was punctured in a fall and the fluid continues to flow every minute every day. A personal statement you write on the VA Form 21-4138 documenting how you think your current non-combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is due to an in-service sexual assault and stressor event that occurred 20 years ago IS lay evidence. 3.307 and (ii) present manifestations of the same chronic disease, or (b) when a chronic disease is not present during service, evidence of continuity of symptomatology. One thing I found is my doctors never did Blood sugar tests on me in-service, My diabetes was diagnosed post discharge by the VA, but since I have diabetic family members, they said Non-service connected. And the most frightening thing was during the time of his snoring, he would stop breathing for a while. VQLANS HEADQUARTERS. The claims adjudicator also completely ignored all my treatments for sinusitis. This is an outrage for the United States of America and it is time the seniors stand together, with their supporters and put a change to all of this political crap.! 2. I have about given up, but my local VSO has assured me he is with me all the way. As my boy mind is clearing up I see other issues that will raise his ratings. While all of this information supports my position, the va does not accept BVA cases as precidence, nor do they accept scholarly articles from the internet as a basis for awarding any service connected condition, but the VA will remand a case back to the regional office to conduct a c/p exam based on such articles submitted with a claim. Paige Ingram is an Associate Attorney at Gang & Associates, where she focuses her practice on representing disabled veterans before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. I started reevaluation in Dec 09. Thank you for your service Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. I served for almost 30 years and feel as though I have been put kick under a bus. What was the specific reason for denial that the RO gave on the original letter?
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