This change affects all Linux and UNIX platforms. The DIRECTORY object enforces the rules of PATH_PREFIX for the LIBRARY object. If the parameter is set to TRUE, then access to objects in the SYS schema is allowed. The DV_REALM_OWNER role is used for realm management to manage database objects in multiple schemas that define a realm. Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning enables you to install clusters, and provision, patch, scale, and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Restart, and Oracle Database homes. Oracle provides a dedicated command-line utility to find and analyze Oracle errors and tracefiles, called Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (ADRCI) Oracle recommends that you use the ADRCI utility for error management. Starting with 18c, the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter no longer exists, thus the usage of directory paths instead of directory objects in UTL_FILE is no longer possible. There is no replacement. SQL> But keep in mind, it is desupported starting with 18c: Desupport of UTL_FILE_DIR Initialization Parameter, the parameter does not exist anymore. In response to customer requests, and to improve functionality, Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) includes new features and code enhancements. The possible values are NULL, or NOT NULL. Starting with Oracle Database 19c Release Update (19.7), you can install Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 in high availability mode. LocalSystem to a user ID. Even in earlier releases, the parameter and usage of paths existed only for backward compatibility. Starting in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Oracle update batching is a no operation code (no-op). Starting in Oracle Database 12c release 2, the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 6.1 collations are deprecated. Client clusters, such as Oracle Member Cluster for Database, use the remote GIMR located on the Oracle Domain Services Cluster. Review the changes that can affect your work. Starting with Oracle Grid The security model for the use of a directory object for UTL_FILE All compatible database server versions support transaction promotion. Truncated tokens do not prevent searches on the whole token string. The default authentication protocol in Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) is an Exclusive Mode. These functions, procedures and constants are now deprecated for package DBMS_XDB. DBMS_XMLSTORE is written in C, and compiled into the kernel, so it provides higher performance. XML Schema annotations xdb:maxOccurs, xdb:srclang, and xdb:translate. The UNIFIED_AUDIT_SGA_QUEUE_SIZE parameter is deprecated, and the value for this parameter is no longer honored. Desupporting obsolete features enables Oracle to focus on security across all features and functionality. You need to source the PDB environment and then run script in getUtlFileDir mode. Use DBMS_XMLSTORE instead. The UTL_FILE_DIR initialization parameter is no longer listed in V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER and related views. Enhanced Error Reporting: All DBUA errors are reported using the error code prefix DBT, and all errors are reported as a list on a progress page, instead of being presented in message windows. The script configToolAllCommands runs in the response file mode to configure Oracle products after installation. There is no replacement for Oracle Multimedia DICOM. either remove the Oracle RAC functionality before starting the upgrade, or upgrade disabled" bug fixes in Database Release Updates using DBMS_OPTIM_BUNDLE, Oracle Data Guard Broker Deprecated Properties, Oracle Data Guard Logical Standby Properties Deprecated, Deprecation of ASMCMD PWCREATE On Command Line, Deprecation of GDSCTL Operating System Command-Line Password Resets, Deprecation of Oracle Enterprise Manager Express, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Replication Protocol REPV1, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Encryption on Solaris and Windows, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Security (Vault) and ACFS Auditing, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS on Member Clusters (ACFS Remote), Deprecation of Cluster Domain - Member Clusters, Deprecation of Vendor Clusterware Integration with Oracle Clusterware, Deprecation of Black Box Virtual Machine Management Using Oracle Clusterware, CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES Initialization Parameter Deprecated, Deprecation of SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION Parameter, Deprecation of the SERVICE_NAMES Initialization Parameter, Desupport of Oracle Data Provider for .NET Promotable Transaction Setting, Desupport of the CONTINUOUS_MINE feature of LogMiner, Desupport of Extended Datatype Support (EDS), Data Guard Broker MaxConnections Property Desupported, Desupport of Leaf Nodes in Flex Cluster Architecture, Desupport of Oracle Real Application Clusters for Standard Edition 2 (SE2) Database Edition, EXAFUSION_ENABLED Initialization Parameter Desupported, MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n Desupported, Behavior Changes for Oracle Database 18c Upgrade Planning, Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 18c, Desupported Features in Oracle Database 18c, Desupported Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 18c, Simplified Image-Based Oracle Database Installation, Support Indexing of JSON Key Names Longer Than 64 Characters, Upgrading Existing Databases is Replaced With Image Installations, About RPM-Based Oracle Database Installation, Token Limitations for Oracle Text Indexes, Changes to /ALL/USER/DBA User View and PL/SQL External Libraries, Deprecation of Direct Registration of Listeners with DBCA, UNIFORM_LOG_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT Changes in INIT.ORA, Data Guard MAX_CONNECTIONS Attribute is Deprecated, Extended Datatype Support (EDS) is Deprecated, GET_* Functions Deprecated in the DBMS_DATA_MINING Package, Returning JSON True or False Values using NUMBER is Deprecated, Deprecation of MAIL_FILTER in Oracle Text, Deprecation of NEWS_SECTION_GROUP in Oracle Text, Oracle Net Services Support for SDP is Deprecated, Deprecation of Flex Cluster (Hub/Leaf) Architecture, Deprecation of PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE Table, Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows is Desupported, Oracle Multimedia DICOM Desupported Features, Oracle Multimedia Java Client Classes Desupported, ODP.NET, Managed Driver - Distributed Transaction DLL Desupported, Data Guard Broker DGMGRL ALTER Syntax is Desupported, Desupport of CRSUSER on Microsoft Windows Systems, Desupport of STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST Initialization Parameter, Desupport of UTL_FILE_DIR Initialization Parameter, Behavior Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Deprecated Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Desupported Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Desupported Features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Initialization Parameter Default Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) Enhancements and Changes, Enhancements to Oracle Data Guard Broker and Rolling Upgrades, About Changes in Default SGA Permissions for Oracle Database, Network Access Control Lists and Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c, Unified Auditing AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER Roles Changes, Oracle Update Batching Batch Size Settings Disabled, About Upgrading Tables Dependent on Oracle-Maintained Types, Case-Insensitive Passwords and ORA-1017 Invalid Username or Password, About Deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, Restrictions Using Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Release 12.1 Backups, Client and Foreground Server Process Memory Changes, About the Parallel Upgrade Utility for Oracle Database (CATCTL.PL and DBUPGRADE), Upgrading Tables Dependent on Oracle-Maintained Types, Running Upgrades with Read-Only Tablespaces, Deprecation of configToolAllCommands Script, Deprecation of Intelligent Data Placement (IDC), Deprecation of Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows, Deprecation of Oracle Data Provider for .NET PromotableTransaction Setting, Deprecation of oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.unwrap(), Deprecation of oracle.jdbc.rowset Package, Deprecation of oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection Classes, Deprecation of Oracle Multimedia Java APIs, Deprecation of Oracle Multimedia Support for DICOM, Deprecation of Multimedia SQL/MM Still Image Standard Support, Deprecation of Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 6.1 Collations, Deprecation of UNIFIED_AUDIT_SGA_QUEUE_SIZE, Deprecation of VERIFY_FUNCTION and VERIFY_FUNCTION_11G, Deprecated Features for Oracle XML Database,, Desupport of Direct File System Placement for OCR and Voting Files, Desupport of preupgrd.sql and utluppkg.sql, Desupported Oracle Data Provider for .NET APIs for Transaction Guard, Desupported Views in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2),, Fix the metadata. As the names imply, these views are similar to the ALL_TYPES view family. These features are deprecated in Oracle Database 12c Release 1, and can be functionality with crsctl add wallet -type OSUSER The This feature is desupported with Oracle Database 19c (19.1). sqlplus startup - failure in processing system parameters, Oracle silent install on Redhat Linux (The Global database name was left blank. Use XQuery operator instance of instead. This event also reverts OCIDescribeAny() to the behavior in Oracle Database releases earlier than 12.1. The Oracle Data Provider for .NET PromotableTransaction setting is desupported because it is no longer necessary. If you are affected by this requirement, and you cannot drop these AUDSYS roles, then select the UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL view, create your own table, using similar definitions, and use this table to take a backup of the Unified Audit data. can be removed in a future release. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. it was essential to add the OS path in the utl_file_dir parameter list and bounce the database. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client can be managed from the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server, or directly by executing commands on the client itself. Oracle ACFS Encryption on Oracle Solaris and Microsoft Windows is based on RSA technology. remove the code required to use the feature. the WALLET_ROOT initialization parameter, and the When set to TRUE, this parameter determines alternate execution plans built with alternative choices that are based on statistics collected as a query executes. For example: Use third-party DICOM features to carry out metadata management, DICOM image conversion, and so on. The capabilities offered by Leaf nodes in the original implementation of the Oracle Flex Cluster architecture can as easily be served by hub nodes. OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_PLANS and OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_STATISTICS. Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the Oracle Data Guard broker ALTER command in DGMGRL is desupported. NETWORK_DATASTORE instead. There is no replacement functionality. It is set by default to FALSE. Using the Oracle ASM command-line utility ASMCMD command option pwcreate password to create ASM passwords is deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c (19.1). For image matching, Oracle Database developers can use open source packages, such as OpenCV. (Doc ID 1980622.1) This restriction includes FAN, load balancing, FAILOVER_TYPE, FAILOVER_RESTORE, SESSION_STATE_CONSISTENCY, and any other uses. OCIDescribeAny() is based on the same metadata used by the ARGUMENTS views. Do I have to change all the files from absolute path to directory name? Only this specific setting is deprecated. This location can become the principal location for all server-side wallets. to act as a legacy interface to the DBMS_SCHEDULER job. These parameters can be removed in a later release. How do you find home information for Oracle RAC on Unix? Instead, specify the name of a directory object. Oracle recommends that you use the following alternatives: To continue to use Web service callouts, Oracle recommends that you use the Oracle JVM Web Services Callout utility, which is a replacement for the Web Services Callout utility. USENET is rarely used commercially. The size increase is less with multibyte or variable-length character sets. path traverses a symlink. Minimizes and often eliminates the impact of patching and upgrades, with features that include: Zero-downtime database upgrade with fully automated upgrade, executed entirely within the deployment without requiring any extra nodes or external storage. The use of a DIRECTORY object also allows administrators to determine which users can access the DLL directory. USENET currently is rarely used for serious purpose. To do so, source the PDB environment file and then run the script in getUtlFileDir mode using the following commands: 1) Source PDB Enviornment $ . Instead of specifying NUMBER as the output for JSON data for true/false queries, you can use the default SQL value returned for a JSON Boolean value, and specify the string as 'true' or 'false'. You can either run these scripts with default values, or you can run them with the same input parameters that you use to run from the Perl prompt. plan changes included in the Release Updates are installed disabled by default. Starting with Oracle Database 19c, all four of the Oracle Data Guard properties have the scope Database. As part of your upgrade plan, review the initialization parameters that are not supported starting with this Oracle Database release. Apart The V$DATAGUARD_PROCESS view includes much more information about processes used by Oracle Data Guard. NETWORK_DATASTORE, which uses ACLs to allow access to specific Oracle Data Guard property names, storage locations, and behaviors are changed in Oracle Database 19c. Oracle Data Guard Broker now supports Oracle Active Data Guard rolling upgrade. Use directory But still the value shows as null. Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning is a service in Oracle Grid Infrastructure that you can use in either of the following modes: Central Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server. placement of OCR and voting files on shared file systems is rescinded for Oracle Standalone The desupport includes removing the UseManagedDTC .NET configuration file parameter, and Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll. Or you can create a synonym: Starting in Oracle Database 18c, The LABELS column is deprecated in the ALL_SA_USER_LABELS and DBA_SA_USER_LABELS views. After the upgrade we need to find the apps.v$parameter and apps.v$parameter2 views under apps schema where we are not able to find. $ORACLE_HOME/<pdb_name>_<hostname>.env Specifying the password from the GDSCTL utility itself is still valid. However, you can use the enhanced PL/SQL type views to query metadata about PL/SQL package types, instead of top-level object and collection types. If you need to use a supported shared file system, either a Network File System, or a shared cluster file system instead of native disks devices, then you must create Oracle ASM disks on supported network file systems that you plan to use for hosting Oracle Clusterware files before installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure. You can also use scripts to parse log.xml instead of the alert log. For The ASM_PREFERRED_READ_FAILURE_GROUPS initialization parameter is deprecated in Oracle Automatic Storage Management 12c release 2 ( Oracle recommends that you evaluate other single-node failover options, such as Oracle RAC One Node. Only drop the AUDSYS schema and the AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER roles if both of the following conditions are true: The version from which you are upgrading is earlier than Oracle Database 12c release Oracle recommends that you replace Oracle Multimedia DICOM by using Oracle SecureFiles with third-party products for DICOM functionality. Oracle recommends that you do not use these names in your databases. By default, Oracle no longer supports case-insensitive password-based authentication; only the new password versions (11G and 12C) are allowed. Database Release 1 (9.0.1). Starting with Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) the options listed in this topic are deprecated. The degradation is caused because of the time it takes PL/SQL to update rows in the underlying dictionary tables. For example, the following command is deprecated. During EBS pre-upgrade steps, we need to configure UTL_FILE_DIR replacement values using using MOS Document ID: Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2 (Doc ID 2525754.1). Oracle has deprecated the use of this role. PARALLEL_IO_CAP_ENABLED Initialization Parameter. Setting these tables to READ ONLY can reduce the amount of data that you need to back up before upgrading the database. You only need to run the utluptabdata.sql script when you run the Parallel Upgrade Utility with the -T option to run the upgrade. Direct management of virtual machine (VM) resources using Oracle Clusterware is deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c, and can be removed in a future release. It was retained to enable certain backward compatibility for earlier release applications. To add a new path to have PL/Sql enabled File I/O, It is desupported in Oracle Database 19c. In Oracle Database 12c Release 1, and Check for existing Network ACLs before the upgrade. This feature is deprecated in Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2). The SQL*Plus product-level security feature is unavailable in Oracle Database 19c. Starting in Oracle Database 12c release 2, the initialization parameter UNIFIED_AUDIT_SGA_QUEUE_SIZE is deprecated. Use binary XML storage of XMLType instead. This desupport is now rescinded. For detailed information, refer to Oracle Database Security Guide. fixes manually, or use the DBMS_OPTIM_BUNDLE package. There is no replacement for DICOM support in Oracle Database. Clusters. PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE. When you create a new LIBRARY object in a PDB that has a predefined PATH_PREFIX, the LIBRARY must use a DIRECTORY object. The initialization parameter O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY is desupported in Oracle Database 19c. However, when you use the broker command, you can be attached to any database in the configuration, and perform parameter changes to any other database in the configuration. Creating an XMLIndex index over an XML fragment stored as a CLOB instance embedded in object-relational XMLType data is deprecated. Oracle only supports case-insensitive authentication with the following conditions: The server is running in a mode other than an Exclusive Mode, Option for Servers with Accounts Using Only 10G Password Version. For example, the following command is valid: GDSCTL> add database -connect inst1 -pwd gsm_password. However, if you run the command asmcmd pwcreate, and you do not provide the password on the command line, then you are now prompted for the password. Parent topic: Desupported Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 18c. This deprecation addresses the security vulnerability when specifying passwords in GDSCTL commands called from the operating system prompt. If you make this change, then you must recompile affected packages after you set the event. links, including (but not restricted to) Oracle Data Pump, BFILEs, and The default value for this parameter is TRUE. Run the utluptabdata.sql script to upgrade those tables set to READ ONLY tablespace states during the upgrade. Use the Oracle Data Mining (ODM) Model Details views instead. However, before Oracle Database 12.1, there was no way to obtain type metadata for PL/SQL package types, such as records and packaged collections. Do "superinfinite" sets exist? You can create new clusters and databases on the deployed homes and can use them to patch, upgrade, and scale existing installations. You can use the same response file created during installation to complete postinstallation configuration. First, retrieve the list of directory paths that are currently stored in the UTL_FILE_DIR supplemental parameter. Then, we will convert the database to PDB. The Logical Standby properties for Oracle Data Guard broker can be desupported in a future release. The PARALLEL_SERVER initialization parameter is removed and desupported in this release. Starting with Oracle Database 18c, use of NEWS_SECTION_GROUP is deprecated in Oracle Text. 3) Making multiple directories available-----To specify multiple directories have a separate UTL_FILE_DIR line for each directory, but make sure these are on consecutive lines otherwise only the last directory will . Priority-Based PDB Upgrades: You can set priority for PDB upgrades, so that higher priority PDBs are upgraded first. The GLOBAL_CONTEXT_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is removed and desupported in this release. object and the file name, so that neither contains a symbolic link. upgrading: AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER. ATTRIBUTE: This column contains the attribute value when %attribute is used in a variable declaration. The MAX_ENABLED_ROLES initialization parameter is removed and desupported in this release. Now, starting with 19c database, to add/modify/delete an OS directory path for PL/Sql File I/O with EBS R12, you need to use script provided under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil path. Intelligent Data Placement is deprecated in Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2). There is no replacement for this parameter. Oracle update batching settings are disabled in Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2). Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c Release 2 (12.2), the placement of Oracle Clusterware files: the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR), and the Voting Files, directly on a shared file system is desupported in favor of having Oracle Clusterware files managed by Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM). The possible values are CHAR and BYTE. However, to make the LIBRARY useful (as opposed to always issuing a runtime error), you must recreate the LIBRARY object so that it uses a DIRECTORY object. In this blog, we will review how to use this new supplemental utl_file_dir feature in Improved Logging Mechanism: DBUA now has time-stamped logs. For more information about this parameter, see Initialization parameters. After an upgrade if applications address the database Oracle GoldenGate is the replication solution for Oracle Database. The views listed in this topic are desupported in Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2). Starting with Oracle Database 12c release 2, the ALTER TYPE statement behavior is also changed. Maximization, Singular Value Decomposition, and Association Rules. This step reads the contents from apps.v$parameter and populates these to the file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/_utlfiledir.txt. Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows is desupported in the current database release. Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), there are no EDS-supported Oracle data types that are more information about each step, including how to reconfigure your system after an To manage the implementation of Oracle Database bug fixes that cause a SQL DIRECTORY_DATASTORE index type, which is available starting Performing index processingusing thissection group type is obsolete. However, in an upgrade operation, you can override the default by specifying the number of cores that you want to use. Hence, to tackle this limitation in E-Business Suite product, Oracle introduced a supplemental The RPMbased installation process detects when the minimum requirements for an installation are not met and prompts you to finish these minimum preinstallation requirements. Their functionality is replaced with the new EDIT SET PARAMETER command in DGMGRL. Using the new EDIT SET PARAMETER commands removes the possibility of inconsistent configuration data between the broker and a database. . After the upgrade is complete, to upgrade tables dependent on Oracle-Maintained types, run the script utluptabdata.sql to carry out ALTER TABLE UPGRADE commands on tables in tablespaces set to READ ONLY during the upgrade. desupported in a future release. The O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY parameter controlled restrictions on System Privileges from accessing SYS owned objects. ACFS file systems on Microsoft Windows are deprecated, and can be desupported in a future release. The ALTER command syntax in the Data Guard broker DGMGRL command-line interface was deprecated in Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and replaced with the EDIT CONFIGURATION, EDIT DATABASE, and EDIT INSTANCE syntax. using Oracle Clusterware is deprecated in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c, and The continuous_mine option for the dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr package is desupported in Oracle Database 19c, and is no longer available. not restricted to) Oracle Data Pump, BFILEs, and External Tables. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The DBMS_XMLSAVE package is part of the Oracle XML SQL Utility. There is no replacement functionality. To enhance security, starting with Oracle Database 19c, the ability to specify passwords from the Global Data Services Control Utility (GDSCTL) command-line when called from the operating system prompt is deprecated. Use the SQL/XML generation functions instead. utl_file_dir parameter. For instance: Note the changes in the create-or-replace package NestedTypesExample: In previous Oracle Database releases, the top-level type of the NestedTypeProc procedure, parameter Param1, Level0Record, is returned, and also an expanded description of all the nested types within Level0Record. Oracle Active Data Guard rolling upgrade was introduced in Oracle Database 12c release 1 (12.1). This parameter was deprecated in Oracle9i For this reason, the EXAFUSION_ENABLED parameter is desupported in Oracle Database 19c, because the parameter no longer serves a function. The Oracle Data Provider for .NET registry, configuration, and property setting PromotableTransaction indicates whether the application must keep transactions as local, or if it can begin all single connection transactions as local, and then promote the transaction to distributed when a second connection enlists. This change aligns Oracle Text more closely with the standard operating and Use DBMS_XMLGEN instead. UPPER_RANGE: This column contains the numeric upper range value used by a variable declaration with a range constraint. Get_* functions. The Oracle Data Vault role DV_PUBLIC role is deprecated with no replacement. during the upgrade, the legacy DBMS_JOB job is still present as an However, no downtime is needed while adding/deleting/modifying the path in supplemental utl_file_dir list in 19c. The Oracle Database initialization parameter, Starting with Oracle Database 19c, customer use of the, Starting in Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Data Guard broker, The Oracle Exadata Database Machine initialization parameter, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the use of, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the command options for, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, use of, Starting in Oracle Database 18c, the SQL*Plus table, Deprecated Columns in Oracle Label Security Views, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 19c, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 18c, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Behavior Changes, Deprecated and Desupported Features for Oracle Database, Behavior Changes for Oracle Database 19c Upgrade Planning, Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 19c, Deprecated Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 19c, Desupported Features in Oracle Database 19c, Desupported Parameters in Oracle Database 19c, Changes to Oracle Data Guard Properties Management, Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP) Name Change, Resupport of Direct File Placement for OCR and Voting Disks, Optional Install for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository, Manage "Installed but Disabled" Module Bug Fixes with DBMS_OPTIM_BUNDLE, My Oracle Support Doc ID 2147007.1 Managing "installed but Use the PREFERRED_READ.ENABLED disk group attribute to control the preferred read functionality. The nature of directory objects is discussed in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. Oracle Multimedia will be desupported in Oracle Database 19c. The initialization parameter UTL_FILE_DIR specifies accessible directories for PL/SQL file I/O. from Oracle Database Standard Edition to Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. Also verify that the new directory path is created/exists at OS level also and it should not have any soft links, as soft links in directory paths have also been deprecated in 19c version. Use XQuery Full Text instead. Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. To avoid this problem, rebuild the index. If needed, you can choose to grant these privileges to the DV_REALM_OWNER role. Oracle Data Guard broker no longer automatically upgrades the earlier release property settings from metadata files created from Oracle Database 18c and earlier release Data Guard broker exports.