If it is a photo-op, why is Kris not waving her hands or something. Ive been into crime shows lately and my husband says I should be an investigator because Im obsessed. 3. I wonder? Despite search teams, which included dogs and helicopters, there were no . Im baffled as to why this case hasnt been investigated more, if not for protecting an indigenous tribe. And her shirt is pushed up. For goodness sake, why do people make things up? Looking forward to reading what Bethzaida Pitti comes out with in the book she is co-authoring about the case. I just would like to know if you see that as well? Unfortunately, this camera setting is not public knowledge, but the default mode is Continuous.. Is this in dispute? This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. Hi Abrahm, thank you for your comment. So without doubt, someone tampered with the photos to some degree. Estou certa que no foi Lisanne que a tirou. If Kris were injured and they couldnt use the phone, then why didnt Lisanne go get help? I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. This article seems to have a crop from high resolution version of the above photo. Despite the heat and humidity, Panamanians wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Life of a stay at home home. The black twigs can be seen growing up, as all vegetation/trees do to harness the sun, but the ones above her are clearly bent in a horizontal and parallel formation. There have been several mass graves uncovered there in the last year alone. Police searches have found nothing and now his mother is flying out to try to find him. You can even see the shadow of her han on her face. I also think those girls probably already perished before the dates on those daytime photos. It must have been flowing in the river the police said. Its very disappointing to see the comment sections on this website to be allowed to turn into a very disrespectful and unfunny joke. Excellent editing work, thanks to Justin. But she is definitely on a well-worn path. Yes, this was taken after their photos at the Mirador. This is highly unusual. And one of the images chillingly showed the back of Kris' head with what some sleuthes believe is blood leaking from her temple. Only three days later the three assailants were given their sentences: Hctor Abrego - 15 years in prison and must pay his sentence in jail in Santiago. When the Canon Powershot was recovered by Dutch authorites, there was a conspicuous missing file: IMG_0509. Theres no denying that the face looks skewed and mask like. Theres a red cord tied around her waist that wasnt on her in any of the other photos. The girls phone records later showed that they started making their initial distress calls on their cell phones approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes after their last known daytime photo (Photo 508). Who knows if the girls really went for a walk that day by themselves? I would like to pick your brains on your thoughts about the night photos: 1. of SOS made with a white cloth, 2. the mirror on rock 3. But we need to be careful about the information we have. Adrien McNaughton Was Surrounded by Family, He Left Behind Books He Wrote in Secret Code, The Door Was Open, and Baby Lisa Was Gone. Im not saying that I dont think foul play was involved. Experts proposed several theories about how and why the women took thesephotos. Curious if people have found these specific locations and done some extensive testing and exploring in those and surrounding areas? Many hikers from all over the world disappear, fall, or suffer other fatal accidents while traveling - this could've happened to these women as well. Definitely foul play, in my opinion. It would also show that the photos had been truly messed about with, as this one is supposed to come before the photos of her crossing the stream. or What I DO see is a very definite path. Jump forward to Boquette now and you will see a photo of the girls in the street, and behind them is a shirtless fat white man. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were both adventurers. It does look like a manmade structure. All facts are not available in this case. December 12, 2022. There was one person that said that the dog left with them when they set out on their hike. So, these were all indigenous locals influenced by another villager that had traveled abroad. The illusion of her being tied and in distress is nothing more than that. The causes of Kremerss and Froons tragic death have never been determined and the two bodies that were recovered have not even been conclusively found to be either of the girls. That is EXACTLY what it looks like to me! Its difficult to see when glancing at the photo, because it looks like Kriss head is referencing something the ground. Hard noncontroversial evidence is very limited and what there is is open to interpretation. She realizes she has to try to find the river and decides to leave at dawn. Therefore, this can prove that the likelihood of a third party being involved is very high. I upscaled that image with AI correction and its 100x more clear that there is obviously a trap or makeshift roofing above her. They should be alive and flourishing today. Theres no telling how many people touched it before the police got it. The guide had something to do with the girls disappearance. From my understanding, the various teams communicate with each other about which parts of the case they are investigating, and collaborate occasionally to share information. What do you think? To Janice To me it looks as if shes holding up one hand cupping her ear as if to hear something being shouted to her. Thanks for sharing this. The total number of people who have gone missing in Mexico since 2006 and have never been found stands at almost 87,855, according to the government from a report earlier this year. I noticed that youve submitted two more links in another newer comment. 2. Does anyone agree with me? 1 reason tourists sometimes annoy residents. From 508 onward. Why? I think this photo in particular is odd. And I agree that her hands are free. They took the dog with them on the walk and it came back the next morning but they didnt there had to have been some clues maybe like how far could the dog have gone and still find its way back home? I have a working theory of the predator (not a specific name). While the case has since been declared closed by both the Panamanian and Dutch authorities (who worked on . The backpack contained sunglasses, a camera, two cell phones,money,two bras, Froon's passport, and a water bottle. I agree with you. The left-side of her head is not hair or her hand, but just the foliage in the background. It is high noon and they have no way of telling which direction to go. Use soft language and leave out gory visuals in what you write. Looks like some of sort of indigenous artifact/trail marker. They decided to enter the jungle, but they failed to mark their entry point into the jungle with a stack of rocks or some such marking. However, calling emergency services doesnt require unlocking the phone, meaning a third party had to be involved. It belongs to the long green leaves we are seeing up there. Would like to know exactly where and when the final day photo was taken. Let me dampen the third party argument by asking IF their end was at the hands of another personwhy not simply bury the rucksack rather than all the elaborate need for photoshopping and phones used in the hands of a third party ? Sometimes I refer back to the Story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, the two girls that made international headlines in 2014 when they disappeared in the northwest region of Panama. You can even see the smudges or blurring on the bottom of the plants into the dark areas in an attempt to blend the darkness area (where something or someone was likely standing). I know if I was hiking and wandering in the jungle (and presumably possibly lost although not quite realizing this at this point), I would be curious about a manmade structure like this. They talk as if it would be difficult to branch off the trail, but maybe they did not notice other paths that could have been taken? Maybe you can find more answers about this horrible story. What if she was trying to get fire with the mirror and the paper? Why were they still in the jungle at 4:39 PM when they made their first distress call? Hi Anna, youre casting a wide net when you say If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist.. For more background and insight, please feel free to read some of the disappearance stories Ive written about: https://imperfectplan.com/disappearances/. Does this take a high level of tech knowledge and a computer? Most of the tourists come from the United States, Canada, Europe, Central America, and South America. Could fishing line be being used to secure all this making it hard to see, & could that blue object on the ground be part of the roof device- step on it & it triggers it or something like that? I wrote about the upcoming book here: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/12/09/new-book-coming-spring-2021-kris-kremers-and-lisanne-froon-case/. I think this was a setup for the 2 girls from the beginning. It would be interesting to see a map of possible mobile blackspots because it seems where ever they were IF STATIONARY then they were on the extreme edge or reception dependent on atmospherics. At least the trash element and roof structure looks like very strong evidence. Local authorities dont often feel a sense of responsibility to victims and their families. Like you, I also live abroad in a developing country. Yup, I toot checked and her video came only after this post. Most people in Panama dont have the expertise, nor equipment to handle these sophisticated tasks. I do not think this case fits the criteria of missing 411. Thats from her palm. Yes, you are correct that numerous communities do work hard to bring criminals to justice. This option is least likely, because wed obviously see something more tangible in the photos. Jalisco prosecutors said that three people still seem to be missing after a gang kidnapped a group of tourists at the Pacific resort of Puerto Vallarta earlier this month. The camera and photos were tampered with with photos removed and other photos cropped and reduced in size. Lisanne sets up a SOS with toilet paper and a mirror, hoping to get the attention of the helicopters. Perhaps the truth will come out someday. Often, they. Hi Rune (and Stian), great points. However, her surroundings were my intended focus regarding this photo theres a lot of things in this photo that havent been discussed elsewhere and could provide clues as to what happened to them. It is almost as if they are deliberately not to tell anything rather than the much speculated something. First calls at 16:39 then nothing again for 14 hours? Froon had a Canon Powershot SX270 HS which contained numerous photos, many of which were of the period of time leading up to the day of the girls disappearance. The Canon Powershot SX270 HS, has two methods of numbering images. The point is that all of this case was poorly handled by the authorities. Seems strange. Even the bones, the few that remain. The critical time is between the last foto and the first SOS call. Incredible work and interest- level regarding the fate of these human spirits. Since they were two young women from Europe, I can easily see the possibility that they offended the wrong man. I could be wrong, but to me this looks like it could be a hunting device of sorts, like a pit/catch trap. Only a fool thinks they were attacked by people. There are a lot of different indigenous tribes of Panama, most of which are peaceful. Also I have read that during the time they tried to contact emergency services one phone connected albeit briefly. Shes describing the things youve noticed on the pic!!!! Although it might be the sun that gives her face a strange expression. I think that she has her hand to her ear,she looks like she is trying to hear what someone is saying,and also,the light is in her eyes;.It looks like she has twisted herself around in doing so. This case really creeps me out, specially the findings and the pictures. She has no idea that her parents are about to arrive in Panama. Lisanne believes her dead. Her phone is dead. Wonder if this case has any similarities? When browsing the images that were on Lisanne Froons phone, I also noticed that a lot of other websites cropped off the top of this particular photo of Kris Kremers. However, if this photo showed that someone had hit her, why would the culprit not delete it along with photo 509. The photos give the appearance that they are PROMPTED to go ahead by someone. For me the strongest clue that not anything sinister happened is that the family refused to have ALL photos released because some show the girls in a very rough state. On April 1, the 21-year-old and 22-year-old went for a walk . If they had solved the case, the international community (and the families) would have been satisfied and let it fade into history. Thanks for the observation. For other inquiries, Contact Us. The first all the black area behind her was blackened and smudged. To Jane I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. Here is what bothers me about this event. In this case, I dont believe it was incompetence alone. My first thought and instincts on the object you believe to be circular on the left is a cow skull and the fact its there is very strange indeed. Who would do this, and why? If you look closely at the top left part of this photo, you can see that, behind all the criss-crossed twigs and branches, there is a bank of rock. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. i found it hard to understand and pickup any of the highlighted objects.i grew up in a tropical country and spent a lot of my childhood exploring woods and secondary jungles around my home with my friendsthe way i see it is that the girl have encountered a thick unpenetrable undergrowth at the end of some sort of a gorge.maybe in an effort to find a way through or out of it.when youre at ground level in a jungle its just a green world and colour hues jumbled up in some sort of a mess.and after a while you started noticing odds shapes n colours through the leavesoccassinally there will be thrash thrown around.just my thoughts. It begins to rain. I hope someday the family has answers. Of course there is room for healthy and rational speculation surrounding what happened but the vast majority of these theories are absolutely ridiculous and downright disrespectful. The girls went for a swim in a rock pool. He has a weapon like o jr t in his hands. As for the wrong password entry. Reading this reminded me of another photo the girls took of a branch with what appears to be red plastic attached to it. If I saw a cow skull hanging in a tree I would get the hell out of there, not pose for a photo. Keep the ideas flowing guys. Herm appears to be traveling up to her head, which is why you dont see her sleeve. Who did the manipulation of course is a mystery but it points to being a corroboration of the police narrative that they got lost. 100 calls to 911, and NOT ONE attempted call to immediate family? Out of respect for the girls families, I think that comments like this, which I argue turn this case into some sort of entertaining Netflix series, should be removed. OmgIm staring at this pic. And look at it from this point of view. I just find it strange that no video diary or fotos of each other made after 508. Ive been to Brasil and the Amazon and spent nights there in the rain with a crowd though. They didnt take anything with them for more than 1 or 2 hours max journey. I read that the backpack belonged to Lisanne Froon. Someone was with the girls when the two photos of them were taken on the Pianista summit. From the story of Holger, it seems unlikely to imagine that the medical examiner overlooked the very serious condition of the cyclists remains. Were their phones not able to text? Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! Also, sometimes the investigations go dead because the government wants the story to go away in order for the tourist trade to not be hurt. Jeroen Jumulet / Stringer / AFP / Getty Images, Blue returned from the hike unaccompanied. Nobody is safe. A woman from the localNgbetribeturned in a blue backpack she claimed she found along the bankof a nearby river. Ive travelled through Central and South America quite a bit and these experiences cant be found elsewhere. Eight tourists from Moscow who. I suppose incompetence runs at many levels. The abductor did not take their things because hes not a thief. Brought to trial and prosecuted successfully: highly unlikely, less than 1%. Its part of the relaxed culture. If you would know (and read) every bits & pieces of this story, you would actually see that the they got lost theory does not hold up with any of the facts and evidence found, not at all, not one bit. Were trying to raise $5,000 for gear, security, transportation and food. This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. Again, I stress that these kind of murder cases are frequently shut down by the media of the country at the direction of the government. But even when a phone is locked after thee attempts the screen says emergency calls only.