about possible links between Donald J. Trump and Russia. He also told Mr. Elias about it, and Clinton campaign officials were apparently aware that he was trying to get reporters to write about it. What Durham Is Investigating and Why It Poses a Danger to US For perhaps everyone but Sussmann himself, the verdict at his trial may be beside the point. Could be. Then returned to Connecticut to join the State's Attorney's office. Thank you! Danchenko turns out to have been Steeles principal source for this fever dream. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! Editor's note: This story has been updated with additional details throughout. Through his court filings, Mr. Durham and his team have signaled that they suspect that the Alfa Bank data or analysis may have been faked, even though they were unable to prove it. The Special Counsels Office has identified no support for these allegations, the filing said. This is largely due to a series of rulings in recent weeks from the presiding judge as part of standard pre-trial litigation about what evidence will be permitted at trial. John H. Durham is the special counsel the Trump administration assigned in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing. Chris Ruddy is insane. Brian R. Maroney | News, Sports, Jobs - Observer Today John Durham investigation: Michael Sussmann acquitted of lying to FBI | POLITICO. "), (Read "The U.S. Prison for Iraq's Worst. | If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! The FY 2022 budget estimate is, In a line-item breakout of costs for FY 2022 attached to the memo, DOJ has now released figures indicating that total income paid to Full Time Permanent personnel, including benefits, was, Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update. The right has generally held Durham up as a sort of anti-Mueller an aggressive, independent prosecutor that they happen to like because they believe that he is providing a crucial legal corrective to the supposed mistreatment of Trump and those in his orbit at the hands of the Mueller team and the liberal media. There is no indication anything came of this, but upon being tipped off, the bureau did some digging and learned that Danchenko had been in contact with people it was investigating as possible Russian intelligence officers. (Its been like that since J Edgar died.). United States Attorney John H. Durham has kept such a low profile while handling some of the country's most infamous criminal investigations that he once made New Republic magazine's list of. U.S. Attorney John Durham resigns; led prosecution of mobsters, drug A deep dive into Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation and the costs entailed. But the judge barred Mr. Durham from presenting evidence or arguments along those lines, saying that unless there was proof Mr. Sussmann had reason to doubt the data when it was brought to him, there should not be a time-consuming and largely unnecessary mini-trial to determine the existence and scope of an uncharged conspiracy.. Wes Durham, Jordan Cornette . On Watch: CROSSFIRE HURRICANE Targeting of Trump from A to Z. The budget also indicates there was one direct position, 11 Reimbursable Detailees and three Non-Reimbursable Investigative Staff, for a total of 15 personnel. Hillary Clinton brushes Durham controversy off as 'conspiracy theory With a name like Whitey? The document production comes in the March 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), filed by Judicial Watch after the DOJ failed to respond to an August 2021, request for records of communication between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland, and all budget records related to the operations of the office of Special Counsel (, Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice. Mr. Durhams team is expected to object to any such constraint. The press-shy Connecticut prosecutor was tapped by Attorney General Eric Holder on Aug. 24 to investigate alleged mistreatment of terror suspects by CIA interrogators and contractors. Legal experts said Sussmann could face additional legal exposure if he failed to disclose his relationship to Joffe. Durham, 59, is no stranger to top-level governmental investigations. So what happened? Long time lurker, occasional poster, with the exact same comment that the long-timers here are tired of hearing: All FBI agents should carry a portable electronic device with them to all interviews that they KNOW will lead to a 302. Yes, Im aware he resigned earlier today, effective February 28: JUST IN John Durham to resign from the U.S. Attorneys Office effective at midnight on February 28. Ive been asking for 3 days and so far no one has risen to the challenge. Tap below and Follow @DailyNoahNewsthats me! But he's supposed to be the smartest and the best, and he works for Bill Barr, who is a great attorney general. Within the U.S., we have elected to utilize the classification system to protect such shared information. Best done in very small increments! At a press conference in October 2000, I asked Durham if he would pursue other compromised FBI agents. One of his partners, Marc Elias, was the general counsel of the Clinton campaign and had commissioned opposition research that led to the Steele dossier. But once he fixes on a target, the veteran lawyer usually catches his prey. "), (Read "Officials Defend CIA's Use of Contractors. 600.8(a)(1). But the filing also contained a conspicuously vague allegation that Joffe had somehow exploited his companys access to data pertaining to the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Kash Patel, a one-time investigator for former congressman Devin Nunes and later a senior Trump official, claimed that the disclosure shows that the Hillary Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia. His comments ignited a brief firestorm among the likes of Fox News. Durhams investigation continues and has resulted in one other indictment besides Sussmanns. Zelensky Exposed (Literally): This Is The Guy We Are Sending Billions To? Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia hold a press conference to give an update on the investigation into the Capitol Hill riots on . Special counsel John Durham says he wasn't trying to inflame - CNN Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. John Durham's final act: exposing the FBI - nypost.com Although Danchenko was the most important source for Steeles explosive allegations against Trump, the FBI did not interview him prior to using Steeles dossier in its first two sworn surveillance applications, in October 2016 and January 2017. He was famous way before Trump and Barr, as the man who reportedly took down Whitey Bulger. And the photos that do exist look very staged and/or edited. John Durham speaks to reporters on the steps of U.S. District Court in New Haven, Connecticut. Because no one Technology has improved so much that tiny recording devices can hold hundreds of hours of audio and periodic camera shots for hours. Based upon reporting, the information Trump compromised was provided to the U.S. by an intelligence partner pursuant to a bilateral agreement. Some experts are calling Alberta Health Service administrator Dr. John Cowell's $1,400 travel . You have some people who are great people now patriotic people. Beginning Monday morning in Washington, special counsel John Durham the prosecutor who was appointed in 2019 by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation in the wake of the Mueller report finally gets to present his case to a jury in federal court. Durhams investigation indicates that Danchenko lied to the FBI multiple times, falsehoods that should have been easy for the nations flagship federal investigative agency to run down. Yet, far from alerting the FISC judges that there was significant reason to disbelieve the information from Steele about Trump who was by then the incumbent president the FBI continued to rely on that suspect information in sworn surveillance applications in April and June 2017, based on which the FISC granted additional spying warrants. And not the face he is reportedly staying on as Special Counsel. Judicial Watch challenged the withheld information, and the DOJ now has re-released the documents without the redactions. (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch announced today that after 16 months, it has finally received 3 pages of budget records from the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the operations of the Office of Special Counsel John Durham that show its fiscal year 2022 budget was over $8.5 million. I continue to find that extremely strange! The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Mars Hackers Tied to Chinas Govt. Non-reimbursable costs totaled $2,334,911, for costs such as travel ($457,207), rent ($306,350), and Other Contractual Services ($1,297,054). Does John Durham Exist? A MAJOR Update To My Reporting From President John Durham says DOJ watchdog is withholding Russia probe info John Durham was appointed special counsel in 2019 to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation in the wake of the Mueller report. By JOSH GERSTEIN. Its safe again and were having a lot of fun over there. But if authenticated, isnt this highly unusual? Still, the judge has given prosecutors broader latitude to call witnesses associated with the Clinton campaign, including Mr. Elias and Robby Mook, the campaign manager. Allegedly, he was on the team of prosecutors for the Whitey Bulger case, yet, you will not find his name mentioned anywhere from 2013 when the case was prosecuted. That was detailed in yet another Durham court filing last week, in the Virginia federal court where Danchenko is soon scheduled to be tried. The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) made one thing especially clear this week: This is former President Trump's convention. Trump reigns supreme at a diminished CPAC | CBS 17 Mr. Joffe, who was already a client of Mr. Sussmanns, brought the matter to him, and Mr. Sussmann relayed those suspicions to reporters and the F.B.I. On Monday, attorneys for Sussmann filed a response to the special counsels Friday filing, in which they alleged the special counsel had attempted to create the impression that Sussmann had provided the CIA with data collected from the White House during Trumps presidency despite knowing that data given to the agency dated from the Obama administration. We now know that the so-called dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was a Clinton campaign production. Yes, I know he is the man who allegedly took down Whitey Bulger. Led numerous public corruption investigations in Connecticut, including that of former Governor John Rowland, who resigned in 2004 and pleaded guilty to accepting gifts and vacations from contractors doing business with the state. The defendant is Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who worked at the outside law firm representing the Clinton campaign, and he is facing a single count of lying to the FBIs top lawyer in the run-up to the election in order to instigate a criminal investigation into Trump. The F.B.I. Foreign leaders do not have the right to unilaterally disclose U.S. classified information that has been shared with their country pursuant to a bilateral agreement. 33.6k views. A photo of a segment from a February episode of Fox and Friends on a computer screen. And kinda boring. "I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case," he added. Jeff Head has no business being an umpire. And yet, despite all those photos, I cant find a single video of the man actually speaking. Upon identifying DNS queries from Russian-made Yota phones in proximity to the Trump campaign and the EOP, respected cyber-security researchers were deeply concerned about the anomalies they found in the data and prepared a report of their findings, which was subsequently shared with the CIA.. When you type in the name of a website like Google.com, Graham said, DNS will translate it to a specific IP address and a specific group of servers. The Alfa Bank issue traces back to the spring of 2016, when it came to light that Russia had hacked Democrats. We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. I posted that challenge in my Telegram Channel earlier tonight and so far no one has been able to find a real video of the man speaking. Notes of a March 2017 F.B.I. For now, we have to hope that Durhams final report will answer that question. Defense lawyers for Mr. Sussmann have also rejected prosecutors broader insinuations about the constellation of events that led to his indictment, accusing the Durham team of fueling politicized conspiracy theories. Something potentially much more interesting. Douglass Mackey Allegedly Aimed to Depress Black Turnout in Pennsylvania, Release the Kraken: Fox News Revolving Sidney Powell Conspiracy Theory Door. It is one of the great dirty tricks in modern political history: The 2016 Democratic presidential campaign colluded with the incumbent Democratic administrations law enforcement and intelligence apparatus to portray their partisan opposition, Donald Trump, as a Kremlin mole, then made the smear stick to the point of forcing Trump to govern for over two years under the cloud of a special-counsel investigation. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. Cybersecurity expert Rob Graham told NBC News that what Joffe appeared to have been doing was a search for domain names and addresses to which a computer had tried to connect. But it gets worse. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, at a news conference in Washington, D.C., on July 21. In 2000 he uncovered FBI documents showing four convicted murderers had been framed by agents in the 1960s. John Durham: Russiagate Special Counsel Is Not the One Spinning But news reports indicate that editors were not ready to run that article, which was being written by the reporter Eric Lichtblau, although the paper published one mentioning Alfa Bank six weeks later. If so, I guess that will solve the mystery. Mr. Baker has testified that the F.B.I. YouTube DELETES My Interview With Bo Polny As We Head 78% Of Mail In Votes Were Found FRAUDULENT In Local Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? If youre keeping score, that would be throughout (a) most of the FISC-authorized surveillance; (b) the Mueller investigation, which somehow failed to detect or at least to report that Danchenko misled the bureau; and (c) Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitzs investigations of the FBIs misconduct in the Trump investigation in the reports of which there is no indication that Horowitz was told Danchenko was on the bureau payroll and available to be interviewed. Married with four sons, one of whom is a federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, N.Y. Described by the Hartford Courant as frequently appearing "impatient, distracted and privately amused" in court. At the request of then-Attorney General Reno, investigated whether notorious Boston mobsters James "Whitey" Bulger and Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi had corrupted the FBI agents whom they served as informants. (long time not see) Here's the quick summary. Under the circumstances, Durham has, in a perverse sense, already won that second trial of a non-crime that he wont be presenting this week. Hey, its Noah and I want to make sure were connected on Twitter. U.S. Attorney Durham tells mob tales during rare lecture - The Day ANOTHER UPDATE: John Durham Does Not Exist? Whats funny is they often place a whole bank of microphones in his face to plant the idea in your head that the guy is speaking a lot and holding lots of press conferences (yet none exist): Yet, despite all those photos, I cant find a single video of the man actually speaking. As NBC News has previously reported,Sussmanns indictment says that he was advising the Clinton campaign in 2016 about cybersecurity matters and that a partner at his firm served as general counsel for the campaign. In September, Durhams team indicted Sussmann, and in November, they charged a researcher named Igor Danchenko with lying to the FBI about his work on the infamous Steele dossier, in a case that will go to trial in October. "John is a . Two of the men were released, and later won a $100 million civil judgment against the government. "). Durham loses again in court, but trial airs FBI flaws. Today I got another HUGE confirmation that President Trump reads this site when he posted a press release about John Durham. NATIONAL POLL: Should Fauci Be Prosecuted For LYING To Congress? That last one should be grabbing our attention. The case against Sussmann was curious from the start, because it was apparent that Durhams team was less interested in a discrete misrepresentation to the FBI during a single meeting than it was in the broader and arguably unseemly opposition research work of the Clinton campaign, its lawyers and the investigative firm Fusion GPS. And please, if you do nothing else, read this.. The Trump forces, [] Boston lawyer Anthony Cardinale, who has faced Durham in the courtroom. Under international law, this bilateral executive agreement obligated the U.S. to protect the information. After the courts ruling on the conspiracy issue, the senior legal correspondent for the Federalist accused the judge of having let politics trump the law in an effort to protect Democrats and Clinton, who was behind it all. A couple of weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal opinion columnist Holman Jenkins wrote that Durham hardly needs a conviction to have served his country by exposing the truth, and last Friday, his colleague Kimberley Strassel argued that Durham had already accomplished the far bigger goal than convicting Sussmann to put every sleazy collusion player in the hot seat, with ramifications beyond the courtroom., Whatever the outcome of the trial, it is unlikely that political observers on the right will modify their preconceptions about the purportedly nefarious scheming of Clinton operatives. SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID! The document production comes in the March 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch after the DOJ failed to respond to an August 2021, request for records of communication between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland, and all budget records related to the operations of the office of Special Counsel (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. Copyright 2019 emptywheel. They love our country., We caught them all, Trump said. official that he was not acting on behalf of any client. According to prosecutors, Sussmann did not disclose to the agency, identified by the Times as the CIA, that he was working for a client when he provided the report, when he was actually representing Tech Executive-1, aka Joffe. And they have suggested that despite his initial statement, Mr. Sussmann was open about having a client in subsequent communications. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, D.C. Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post via Getty Images. Durham is a longtime federal prosecutor in Connecticut known for leading organized crime and public corruption cases. The filing was silent on when data collection ended and what time period the data covered; it did not say the collection took place through February 2017 and thus during the Trump presidency. BEST OF: Left Targets Elon Musk, FBI Investigated Fauci Agency, CA Court Vi BEST OF: Twitter Changed Rules to Ban Trump! Mr. Baker is expected to be a primary prosecution witness. August 13, 2020 09:36 PM. Big Tech Protected Joe Biden o BEST OF: Big Tech Censorship EXPOSED! And in fact, going to the F.B.I.