The only way to really know for sure, is to go to get a diagnosis by seeing a professional in person. Coimetrophobia is the overwhelming fear of cemeteries and can bring on negative physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and even a full-on panic attack. The American Psychiatric Association doesn't officially recognize this phobia. My friend said it couldve been mold and that made me freak out more. Cacophobia Fear of ugliness. Find someone in your area to work with if you can. Maieusiophobia- Fear of childbirth. It's ok Justin, you're still all man to us. I can tell you the mind can associate fear to any object, thought process or idea, and since you are experience this, we know it exists for you. Whether this is a phobia or something else should be determined by a professional. Is this a phobia? If you truly want to know or if this is consuming lots of your mental or emotional energy, you may think about seeing someone. Is there a phobia of fear of being murdered?? Is there a fear of letting people down. She thinks if she doesnt do so then something bad will happen. It is very uncomfortable. Recent developments in the intervention of specific phobia among adults:Arapid review, EMDR beyond PTSD: A systematic literature review, Current issues in the treatment of specific phobia: Recommendations for innovative applications of hypnosis, Fear related to medical treatments or issues. It is a fear in which the bearer has strict fears of others or themselves being harmed in any sort of way. Ergasiophobia 1) Fear of work or functioning. What will help is finding a therapist that can help you work through this. Fear of open water is one i understand but never experienced. Sophophobia Fear of learning. Thus, phobias (from the Latin "phobus" meaning "Seriously, you're scared of that?") are born. I feel like when a door is open someone is around the corner watching me, when its closed their looking under the door or listening to me. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia. Do not know what it is called though. Albuminurophobia Fear of kidney disease. Sorry I cant give you a better answer, Is there a fear of going deaf? Selaphobia Fear of light flashes. doi:10.12688/f1000research.20082.1, Valiente-Gmez A, Moreno-Alczar A, Treen D, et al. Pediophobia Fear of dolls. Oneirogmophobia Fear of wet dreams. If so that may not be a phobia. During an interview, he discussed hisfear:"I couldn't tell you what it is. Considering youre the most recent comment i can find, i was wondering if maybe you know the fear of ones ear being stabbed, or something entering ones ear thats sharp. 26 Surprising Celebrity Phobias That Famous People Suffer From This phobia can be extended to viewing videos of oneself as well. If I got motion sickness every time I traveled in a car, I wouldnt be looking forward to it either. Then one thing happened where I was getting ready for an online call and on my wall appeared a black stain. I did it on a night flight one time, Were going down! People think I am kidding when I tell them, but it is 100% a real fear. I dont really know what happened but as long as I can have that nightmare Im always afraid for the possibilities that might one day it could be forever. Hi, I have an obvious fear of being touched, which youve named numerous times throughout the list. Ive been looking for an answer for this one for a while now. Is it true? Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Even if you had a name for it, you would say it and no one is going to know what it is unless you tell them. Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. Another wall in my room had the same black stain and right now Im have an uneasiness near the side of my upper neck to try jawline and it reached the whole wall i dont even know where these stains where coming from and it was black and it got worse to the bottom i felt like it was slowly reaching the top of the wall like a parasite and god I wanted to spray it with Clorox but I couldnt because the heater was on and I didnt want to risk a thing. You may want to your check to see if you have some form of paranoia. Maybe you require the avoidance of certain things. We could call it being paranoid, but I dont know how this would help. Algophobia Fear of pain. Rupophobia Fear of dirt. Misophobia is a hatred of certain types of sounds and many believe it is a neurological disorder rather than phycholgical symptom. Jonathon, without further info, I am not going to assume to know how your mind is processing these things. Flags in general. In this phobia, the users feel fear of tables. Sure their designer clothes and million dollar accessories tend to throw us offwe simply assume that nothing ever touches these people. do whatever they ask so they can get off my back. Labels are primarily for Insurance companies. Download 'B.O.T.A. Is there a phobia fo the feeling of always being watched? Im just really interested. Scolionophobia Fear of school. Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers. Um I might have arachnophobia? It's kinda refreshing to know that even our favourite pop stars and celebrities are scared of things - just like us. This principal of psychology is not formally called the Nicole Kidman Principle, but give it time. Kleptophobia- Fear of stealing. That doesnt mean your situation is special or that you have some new disorder. I was TRAUMATIZED and started crying hysterically and screaming, and ended up hugging my knees sobbing on my bedroom floor. There are many things that could be happening, there is just not enough information in your message. Two famous personalities who were extremely afraid of being buried alive include fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen and renowned musician Frederic Chopin. You want to look at whats the issue at hand and how it much it effects you and is it truly a phobia. Psychrophobia Fear of cold. Eva Mendes is not the only celeb who suffers from the fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles And it scares me . Demi Lovato - Elevators. Ornithophobia Fear of birds. I have a huge fear of offending people or emotionally disturbing anyone even in the slightest. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Virginitiphobia Fear of rape. I also would not just go to your Doctor to get anxiety medications; you actually want to speak with someone in depth about this. Having a physical reaction to certain ideas, sounds, events or images could be a phobia, but I am guessing you can be pretty sensitive to numerous things; they just dont give you these overwhelming sensations. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked. Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions. The savagery of nature can be chilling. Is there a specific name for it? Its not the height that bothers her either. Hello While there may be names for these fears, I dont have the answer. Just when I thought it wouldnt get worse. Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia Fear of hell. (Yes, it's so common that it has an actual name! A fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. 2017;8:1668. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01668, Spiegel SB. Linonophobia Fear of string. Tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis. Agliophobia- Fear of pain. Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia Fear of responsibility. Does anyone else here have that too? Is there an official name for the fear of having chalk or clay on your hands? Genophobia Fear of sex. Probably. Even without a name, any fear and be alleviated. Microbiophobia Fear of microbes. Can you even imagine a celebrity phobia related to public speaking? Symbolophobia Fear of symbolism. I also have a fear of not turning my car lights off. Everytime I watch a movie or see real life events that show breaking someones bones I feel really strange. I have a bit of motion sickness although my mom says that I get scared. E.g. You may be placing too much emphasis on how people perceive you, What do you call a phobia of not being in control? What is the fear of celebrities called? : r/Phobia The mind is capable of associating fear to any object or idea, so in that case, yes it is true. The Phobia List of Interesting and Common Fears by Category, what is the fear of things crawling on you - seekanswer, what do you call someone who is afraid to speak their mind infopvp. What are you afraid of? The act of self harming scares me in himself, so I kinda associate the razors with it? Have you worked with a therapist or counselor of some sort to work through this fear or are you going to continue to be bothered by it? Pteromerhanophobia Fear of flying. Cardiophobia Fear of the heart. From Britney Spears to Brad Pitt, continue on to discover the array of celebrities who possess phobias of both animals and other things. I dont know if its a phobia or not. Though these probably don't jump to mind as top phobias not would they likely make a list of common phobias, they're super real and there might just be a famous Hollywood celebrity who suffers from them! This is not every phobia, it is merely a list of phobias. Hadephobia Fear of hell. You know we're pretty sure there's evil on top of the surface, too, Johnny. If so please let me know. Including the under water sea urchins known for their glass sharp spikes, earwigs, cynics, Googling herself and getting arrested. Not sexually its just someone coming really close to you physically.. and is there a fear of people sneezing or coughing or burping or any of these types of stuff? The bootylicious babe was wearing heels high enough to reach the top shelf of a supermarket, so naturally she called the paparazzi over to her, fearing taking the escalator down a floor. You may be over empathizing with other peoples pain or you may be extra sensitive to people getting hurt. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. You do not need a label to seek help and I would encourage you to do so, because this can create a huge burden on all facets of your life. This sometimes feels like internal chaos and you spend a lot of time in your thoughts and emotions. The thing is that dream was sort of true- my mom and dad split up a year ago and I remember them shouting and my dad crying and I was in my room really freaked out saying rally quietly Its just a dream. Taphephobia or Taphophobia Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. Maybe. compos mentis means control of the mind. I cant watch gymnastic jumps or arm wrestling without getting anxiety. Its not that I dont like the sound, its that the sound triggers a response of fear due to a traumatic experience I had as a child. Is therea name for fear of being given romantic affection? Musophobia or Muriphobia Fear of mice. Apiphobia Fear of bees. Peanut butter oddly does not fall into my sticky category. Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Its really weird and I just want it to go away. But why? The question is not if these exist or do you have them, it is what will you do to work through them. It would be easier to explain to people if it was an actual phobia rather than people just thinking Im odd (more odd! The main symptom of acrophobia is feeling intense anxiety and fear of heights. Having a name for it may make you feel less anxious about it or feel like you are not that different, but it will not make the fear go away. Someone that has many people crushing on him or falling for him.. No matter how Im crushing on that person or I love him, I just dont wanna be with that person.. It gets worse if I think that I wont succeed in life because of my fear. I got a question: Whats it called when youre afraid of stories not being real? Low self esteem, the need to please others, the avoidance or fear of conflicts, guilt issues, etc. Not in a car, like when you were little and someone would pick you up. Phobias, however, go beyond normal fear and are irrational. brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). Is there a fear of somebody finding your weakness????? ), How Old Are One Direction Now? Pneumatiphobia Fear of spirits. I have a fear of touching and feeling my own bones. Amnesiphobia Fear of amnesia. Pupaphobia Fear of puppets. On an episode of The Tonight Show, Fox told host Jimmy Fallon that she hates and fears dry paper. Olfactophobia Fear of smells. Maniaphobia Fear of insanity. it really scares me. Philophobia Fear of falling in love or being in love.. Sexophobia Fear of the opposite sex. I have a fear of food germs or just food getting on me and my clothes. Its like having an eating disorder like anorexia except you dont want to lose weight and you dont want to be malnourished- it literally just feels impossible to swallow (and there is a fear of choking sort of its hard to explain) I had it when I was 11 for about a year and a half and it destroyed my social life, altered me forever. I would catch a glimpse out the window and start to shake and cry. Imagine you're strolling down a main thoroughfare and you chance upon a vast panorama of leather regalia, rainbow flags and colorfully decorated floats. Ailurophobia is known to have affected many well-known personalities including some of the most famous names of history Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mussolini and Alexander The Great. I have a small question that Ive been curious about. It sounds if there is some obsessive thought processes in play also. I am very thankful to you for documenting these fears. Phagophpbia is horrible. its funny, now wont even use a cup at my house, i just drink out of the faucet. Whenever im climbing stairs, getting out of a car, running walking etc, i imagine myself falling or hitting something and i have the feeling like I AM GOING TO FALL like and i unintentionally make my hands in fists.. You know they are irrational, but they feel real to you. Laliophobia or Lalophobia Fear of speaking. I was going to get someone to come and repaint these walls even if they were white i didnt want to see a messed up wall and I grabbed a bottle of Clorox that i put back in the kitchen after using it fro the other wall and made my sister clean it even though I knew it wouldnt do good. List of phobias - Wikipedia Since you have a few fears, suggests you might have some other underlining issues that might need to be addressed. Elurophobia Fear of cats. A person with a phobia either tries to avoid the thing that triggers the fear, or endures it with great anxiety and distress. I have to take a picture of the switch so I know I did it. Since you have never had to deal with this, either go out on a limb and force the issue or work with someone who can help you work through this. You can avoid discomfort by tricks, distraction and avoidance only for so long before the anxieties and obsessions no longer respond to your actions. While P. Diddy has shown a willingness to collaborate with any semi-animate being, don't count on getting him into the studio with the Insane Clown Posse. Who is afraid of getting his hair cut? Famous Chromophobes: List of phobias: Types, definitions, and treatment - Medical News Today Please include Misophonia. You've stumbled upon the most flamboyant section of the gay pride parade. I have the fear of being hit by a ball is this a thing?? Blennophobia Fear of slime. We talk usually . like life is a simulation? Yes there can be a phobia of this nature as the mind can have a fear of almost anything, real or made up. Chorophobia Fear of dancing. As for is there the possibility someone fears unable to experience touch? Exposure to the source of the fear triggers an immediate anxiety response. Tyrannophobia Fear of tyrants. Tapinophobia Fear of being contagious. Fear of road sweepers ?? Fear that someone you know from the past is coming back into your life, is still in your thoughts, is not OK, etc? is there a fear of not being able to see? Happiness is what you create, so take some time on this to work on. what is the phobia of being gay and married to a FAGGOT!! Maybe someone else know this. Is there a name for it, dont know. Fear of nobody loving you I also have this problem. If not, you may want to work on your self esteem and value. I am constantly looking over my shoulder, terrified that I'll see someone I'm a fan of out in public. Agliophobia Fear of pain. ! That would be very much appreciated, Fear of failure is not uncommon. Without additional information, it is hard to say, but my guess it could be part of the same fear. What is the name of this phobia? The fear of rejection. Am J Clin Hypn. It sucks ! The mind can associate fear to any subject matter. But once mixed with water and everything becomes abhorrent and cringing to my sensibilities. The designer of the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eiffel was allegedly afraid of heights. While you may have fears regarding your memory, I dont think this is the real issue. Entomophobia Fear of insects. Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). The real thing you want to focus on is if this fear is one impacting your life, you may want to see a therapist. when I notice my 5 year old daughter going up or down the stairs I will always tell her to hold on to the handrail and I will stop anything I was doing and listen to her going up the stairs. Have you had any counseling on this? whenever people try to take care or look after me I get uncomfortable and feel like I should be the one taking care of them. You can change, but you have to know what components of yourself that could be improved. Something worth checking into with your local health professional, Is there a name for the fear of being emotion less? is there a name for a fear of not being able to feel things? When i went closer to it. Often referred to as CBT, cognitive behaviorial therapy involves learning to identify the underlying negative thoughts that contribute to feelings of fear. They may be easy to address or they may be more complex, cant tell with the info you have provided. It all began at the NBA Players Association Gala when the rap diva had to take an escalator (*gasp! Like fear of chair then is also not a specific name for fear of tables. 10 Famous People Who Were Afraid They'd Be Buried Alive Phengophobia Fear of daylight or sunshine. Whether you find a name for it or not will be less important than you addressing the fear. much appreciated, Noah, Noah, if this is a one time event, regardless of how real it was for you, then it could come from numerous reasons and hopefully it will just be something that happened. 6 Absurd Phobias (And The People Who Actually Have Them) I suppose its the same with sleeping pills. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there, Genophobia or erotophobia is the fear of sexual intimacy. Is medication the best way to overcome a phobia? J Anxiety Disord. He gleefully utilizes his background in theater, literature, and communication to dramatically recite his own articles to nearby youth. Is there a name to this condition? Xenophobia Fear of strangers or foreigners. Pogonophobia Fear of beards.. So, then I just end up either A). The thought of God forbid a bone breaking nauseates me and I cant even eat food off the bone. Leprophobia or Lepraphobia Fear of leprosy.. This may be more OCD oriented than just a phobia. Others have numerous obsessions or compulsions. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. Vegas. It is understandable you want to put a name on it and you can, since most phobias are Greek or Latin words put in front of phobia. Today, my brother was bored and he started to scratch the wall with his nails, and I told him to stop, but he didnt, and kept going. Spheksophobia Fear of wasps. How do I know if I have it? You may choose a different approach on this, as it seems yours is really the fear of the unknown, specifically the unknown that could directly effect you. Aaron is unashamed to be a native Clevelander and the proud driver of a Hyundai Veloster Turbo (which recently replaced his 1995 Saturn SC-2). Some of these fears are not shared by others and most people will not have the fear you are experiencing. You have some emotionally based misunderstanding of how you fit into the world, your self esteem is low or you overly get attached to others once they get close to you, probably a little bit of all. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Apparently this bizarre phobia affected LSD advocate Timothy Leary who started cutting his own hair as he was afraid of visiting barbers. Scabiophobia Fear of scabies. You can name it yourself, just look up the Greek or Latin word(s) for breaking a toe and put phobia behind it, What Would you call the fear of people finding out about ones true self. A job as a janitor at a middle school. The fear of driving can be called several different names: amaxophobia, vehophobia, ochophobia, motorphobia, or hamaxophobia. Some different rare specific phobias include spectrophobia (the fear of mirrors), chiclephobia (the fear of chewing gum), and hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (the fear of long words). I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. I suppose this could be related to clausterophobia, but I have a very hard times with rooms. Check out the Myers Briggs test. I have a pathological fear of celebrities. However, I would question if for you this is a fear or is it more of guilt or shame and can you tell these apart. Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises. Polyphobia Fear of many things. You may have a heightened awareness of your body or body sensations that your mind puts meaning to. I doubt you will ever be the type of person to intentionally go out to hurt someone, so that probably will never be an issue for you. Many things referred to as phobias are not really phobias. 17 Celebrity Fears That'll Totally Make You Feel Better About - Capital