So, Chuck, when did you meet me and start training at Westside? I first met you at a bench press contest at the Valley View YMCA. Of course I would. We won the APF Nationals from 1993 through 1997. The workout consisted of a cambered bar, a power rack, a box, and a ton of sweat. [quote=Anonymous]Westside has alot of great lifters. It was good somehow, and you would later go on at your third attempt with 738 pounds. I'm a school teacher and a high school coach. Are you still doing this? Regardless of what I would have said, it wouldnt have mattered. 2. What happened was I broke my neck and had a lot of injuries that occurred outside of the weight room and I had to make a lot of adjustments. Chuck was a National champion by the late 1980s, a World Champion in 1995 but injuries kept him from fully realizing his potential until the early 2000s and once professional meets with prize money and championship belts were created in the mid 2000s, Chuck entered the zenith of his career. He is the other half of this absolutely mental squat workout/competition with Vogelpohl. Nevertheless, from a coaching perspective, one persons opinion is never enough to take a lifters performance to the next level. But I figured that he would probably learn from this and pick his openers better next time. I figured the day Chuck left Westside was the day that they allowed straps on the deadlift in compeitition doh! Jujimufu just posted this super intense squat workout with his training partner, strongman Joey Szatmary where they attempted to follow a sample squat workout from the powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl. EFS: You talk about technique in the video. From what I heard, Chuck has been doing his own thing, not follwing the Westside way of doing things. Celebs on Social Media Pay Tribute to Singer Chuck Berry. This would be the second highest squat of all time and a world record for this federation for his weight class. Chuck V.: Thanks. This video shows how gritty Chuck was on the platform.During one of the wonderful Dave Tate Tableltalk podcasts on YouTube, Renowned strength coach and former Westside Barbell lifter said that he had seen Chuck miss a weight in the gym, go up in weight and he would smash the greater weight for a triple. Finally, he ducked under the bar to get ready to unrack the world record weight. gets the gains they do is because they NEVER miss a weight in training. I had a cage put in my back so that I could lift some good weights like 700-pounds raw squats and 750-pound raw sumo deadlifts with straps. Perhaps the lack of interviews is because people are scared of him. 1,481 Likes, 35 Comments - Chuck Vogelpohl (@chuckvogelpohl) on Instagram: "Came up with these shrugs about a year ago, they work great to strengthen the upper and middle" Simply put, Dave said that he is the most dependable, hardest working, most competitive lifter hes ever seen. I have been wearing the same squat suit for years now and Dave has been helping me design a Metal squat suit. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. ), some of the answers were hard to understand upon listening to it. Dave Tate has said during multiple YouTube videos that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting the lift of the day up and he was the last person to leave the gym, in order to make sure that everything was put away and cleaned up properly. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I know that without Rick and the gym I'd have been boozing it up every night instead of getting to the gym and getting stronger. 4. 3. Great story, a true inspiration and a must read for the ppl that always have can't in their vocabulary. I know you won some cash, but when everyone showed up at 5 am, no one showed up to pay. Top 10 Bodyweight Exercises Making You a TRUE Beast! Did you not read what he did to Chuck? My legs would never grow until I started using bands over the bar. You wanted me to gain weight into the 308 and break Paul Childress 1168-pound world record, but it was hard on my health. [/quote] Log in. It was just my opinion, and with my LIMITED knoweldge, and VERY limited meet/training experience I believe that the BIG IRON way of training is the way to go. Jim Grandick 3, Nchster Artikel: All right reserved. When he lifts, he has something that Ive only seen in a couple other lifters. Chuck is one of the best and this will not change that. In doing so, they help paint a picture not only of who he is as a powerlifter, but also as a person. One such legend is Chuck Vogelpohl, widely known for his extreme intensity and longevity with regard to powerlifting competitions. They also don't put up recruitment letters and write articles to try and get already elite lifters to come train with them. The difference between Westside and B.I.G is Rick actually coaches all his lifters and Lou does not. I have been training at BIG for 3 years and am a proud and probably lifelong member of the Turd team there. In the world of strength sports, athletes are typically focused on attaining massive gains in No matter the sport you compete in, possessing high levels of brute strength is never One of the questions we receive most frequently is regarding how we recommend peaking for Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Not there long after, Chuck stepped into the bare-bones Westside gym. gets the gains they do is because they NEVER miss a weight in training. From my experience in life and in the gym none are truly possible without submitting the wisdom and authority of a master. Rick's method is intuitive and essentially zen like. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. During all of my warm-up sets on the squat, Chuck is running the Monolift and giving me advice. 2,447 Likes, 33 Comments - Chuck Vogelpohl (@chuckvogelpohl) on Instagram: "Another variation for everyone to try, PowerPull partials, targets lower and upper back. He likes to talk shit about a lifter to other members of the gym so that it gets back to that lifter. You guys are being too hard on Lou. Some of these stories have led people to believe that he is some kind of crazed lunatic. I remember you asked what I got out of using bands on the bar. Even so, I have reached a level of competiveness that would be inconceivable else where. I would do 1,000 sit-ups and lat pulldowns. Doc, how've you been? I asked him how he felt, and he said, Real good. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Reps and sets ranged from 510 to 10-15 sets of lower reps, to the aforementioned 50-rep sets on some exercises,. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. These are not easy workouts though. The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Louie:Your lifts kept going up, and you won your first nationals in 1987 in Columbus. OK, give a football team some drills to run and let them go out and make their own calls. Louie just looked at me and said, Yea, well you tell him. I have known Chuck for many years, and I can say that there was no way I was going to tell him because he wouldnt listen. I had no warm-ups and bombed out. That's really surprising, but I guess stuff happens. Well, is it time now to eat again? We thought it was fun to see fitness . Look at Westside. While he was there, he told me he would pay me if I would show him how to use jump stretch, rubber bands. EFS: Now that you are reaching the big 4-0, do you plan on competing in the Masters Division? His bench presses, including his final one of 633 were all done as strictly as any shirted bench press I have ever seen. This, from what I heard, is why Chuck left Westside." This put a real kick into our training in the squat and deadlift, but also the bench. I now present to you The Iron Man; Chuck Vogelpohl. You later opened a gym on Demorest Road, and I joined up. When you miss an attempt it sets you back 2-3 weeks. Tate alludes to the fact that it takes a village, and coaches should never let their egos get in the way of that community aspect of the sport. Its very easy to write out and plan goals. He will always stick around to help load, spot, hold boards and help set bench shirts. Lou on one hand is a great guy who is very generous and loves to give back to the sport. Fate would have it that Chuck Vogelpohl was competing at a bench press contest held in a local YMCA when he met Simmons. Personal Credo: Live, Learn, Pass on.Dave's IG: Health Marek Health is the telehealth platform that connects customers to partnered providers focusing on hormone optimization and preventative medicineoffering self-service labs at great prices and guided optimization. You lifted, but did not do so good. You had won the division from great lifters like Jesse Kellum and Travis Mash, but it was time to do something healthier. Count me in! jason.nuttall.5201. Louie:I thought you were done, but the WPO was about to come on the scene with money. Get the most out of just using bar weight and milk it; you should be able to hit some big numbers with them and chains. Wed Oct 14, 2020. Percentages work well with beginners and intermediate lifters; they need guidelines and somewhere to start. Yes that would be awesome. Comments will be approved before showing up. Follow This and You Can't Fail. Intentionality; and, we have normal people who train there. In all the meets that I helped him at man, I was exhausted. Crew to P.M. Crew1:51:03 - I Told Ya/Louies Way2:05:00 - You Cant Be A Star Forever 2:14:45 - Vogephol Busting Straps 2:24:00 - Fear and Loathing in Columbus 2:33:40 - Learning From Chuck2:40:15 - Best Lifts2:47:03 - Raw 2:52:15 - Max Effort Days 2:55:58 - Most Impressive 3:03:19 - Would You Do It Again? Chuck V. You would know better than me. The WPO was starting, and it had money to win. While in high school, Chuck crossed paths with the Louie Simmons of world-famous Westside Barbell based in Colombus, Ohio. Oh, yes, I remember you told me not to mess with him; that he was too big and too fast. Pre-Judging Classic Physique: Mike Sommerfeld berrascht Kritiker! It's good to see so many people posting about Big Iron. Rick understands it and his lifters succeed in proportion to the trust they place in him and subsequently in each other and ultimatley in themselves. For me the enjoyment is planning and organizing the training for myself. Tate would challenge these imitators, saying that if they really wanted to be like Chuck, then they should be the first person in the gym and the last one out at the end of the day. Show more. They are Again, there is nothing wrong with that and no one on this planet can argue their success. You lifted in the 220-pound class coming down from the 255-pound class, but still won the division belt. I was amazed at the call, but he was also a friend and teammate so I was also concerned. Louie:We needed a boost to our training, but how? Ask Halbert, he trains early in the morning to avoid Lou. First off, back in early 2002, Chuck Vogelpohl became the first man under 300 pounds to squat over a 1000 in competition so it was needless to say that more was expected out of him this time around. OK, give a football team some drills to run and let them go out and make their own calls. This happened one week before we left for vacation, and the only way that I knew about this was because he had had the police officer bring him into the gym so that he could train his squat. You guys are being too hard on Lou. Chuck, you got bigger and bigger, but kept cutting to 220 pounds. Big Iron, in just a week there and through Brad Hecks advice has led to PR for me even as a single ply guy, on a horrible day when I WAS FIGHT A A COLD AND THEY ARE THE CONSUMATE TEAM, nad all humble and there numbers speak for themselves their group dominate not Lou's guys!I think with there training methos and focus I MAY BENCH CLOSE TO 600 hundred at 220 in a single.Thanks for all there help, and best of Luck to Chuck! Vogelpohl ist der Familienname von: Alfons Vogelpohl (* 1932), deutscher Chemieingenieur; Georg Vogelpohl (1900-1975), deutscher Physiker und Reibungsforscher; Heinrich Vogelpohl, deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologe; Dies ist eine Begriffsklrungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. In this clip, Tate and Coan address the question of what it was like to train with Chuck. I recall showing up early, and you would always be waiting for me at the gym a half-hour or three-quarters of an hour before anyone else got there. I have a version of it in crayon with pictures attached for the rest of the B.I.G. Chuck: Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. As a coach and educator I believe the greatest thing you can show someone is how to teach themselves. 4. Chuck V: When you and Dave told me that beginners were using bands; high school kids and below I couldnt believe it. interested in SQUATS?! thanks Brad. You dont do many interviews and dont get involved with the internet. Dave and I wanted to do an interview with Chuck Vogelpohl for awhile and for several reasons. Below is a transcribed interview that took place within Westside Barbell between Louie Simmons [Louie] and Chuck Vogelpohl [Chuck]. And, of course, your four-wheeling on the weekends. As I walked into the gym, one of my other teammates came over and asked me, Did you hear about Chuck? I figured this was kind of old news at this point so I said, Yea, he rolled his car before I left. 52,145 views. Are you going to tell me this is the action of a good coach? Lexen has the two Chucks going head to head every workout.Vogelpohl and Fouhgt. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. If you cant lift correctly than you are going to get hurt. Practice; Chuck:I had lots of good training mates who could push me, like KP and George Halbert, with the bench. I know that this thread is about Chuck V, but I want to bring up something that seems to have been missed in this discussion. Lifting in the 242-pound class, I set the world record at 1,140 pounds. If youve never heard the name Chuck Vogelpohl, youre missing out on one of the most intense personalities to compete in the world of powerlifting. When you trained last, did you do what you needed to do or what you wanted to do? Chuck Vogelpohl is best known for his record-breaking squats, but he did have a respectful bench and deadlift, especially considering that he suffered from some serious injuries such as a broken neck. Believe it or not omaha has tons of jobs for just about anything. Some lifters are too stupid to know when they cant lift a weight. It could be too many phones in the gym. Injuries do suck ass through a straw though. and I know I'm missing a few more names. Dave said that Chuck was an incredible training partner because he respected the gym, the weights and the equipment greatly. Thats how I am and thats what happens when you train here [Westside Barbell]. Over around a 15-year stretch and through some serious injuries, Chuck Vogelpohl set the standard for many powerlifters that came after him. Just a thought. After the interview I sat down with Dave and talked about what its been like training with Chuck over the past several years. You also won your heavy weight division for your second belt. The Strongest Man You Forgot About | We Try Chuck Vogelpohl Workout Jujimufu 1.37M subscribers Subscribe 7.1K 249K views 1 year ago Get your greens today! [quote=Paul][quote=Anonymous]Westside has alot of great lifters. team[/quote] I think the heavy sled pulls made a huge difference in my lower body strength as well. You cutting that much weight finally caught up to you. He has not missed a day of training. chuckvogelpohl Follow Lexen Xtreme 2,920 likes chuckvogelpohl Powerpohl hip thrusters, the gym was pretty loud when I recorded but this exercise is meant to be done at the end of your workout to get blood into your glutes, hips and lower back. Well post a longer profile on Jujimufu at a later date because theres plenty to cover. What I do is now is not for everyone. The difference between Westside and B.I.G is Rick actually coaches all his lifters and Lou does not. There is a video on YouTube entitled Chuck Vogelpohl 633 bench at the 2006 Arnold Classic which shows what an incredible strength athlete Chuck is. People get wrapped up about how we train, as far as numbers and exercises, but they dont know, and will never know HOW we train. EFS: How about the rack deadlifts? Vorheriger Artikel: This is what people will never understand about Westside Barbell and the gym and the attitude. [quote=Paul][quote=Anonymous]Westside has alot of great lifters. Lou is actually more tolerant of other training ideas and allows the lifter to initiate what he or she wants to do. A post shared by Paul Leonard (@powerliftinghistoryillustrated). I remember that on the day before, you had found out you had a broken vertebrate in your thoracic spine. im sure he has a good idea, but everyone was really concerned with depth at this meet as many had bombed. On Sunday, I walked into the warm-up room, nervous and green. With one slight hip adjustment, he pulled his head up and began to sit back. You both would stand the test of time while KP would hold world records in the bench along with George Halbert, and you would first break the 220-class squat record along with Matt Dimel. Only one week to go. We then went onto our training for the day. Copyright 2023. Even with my untrained eye for talent in this sport, the numbers don't lie. Chuck Vogelpohl, one of powerlifting's favorite personalities and longtime team cornerstone, has left Westside Barbell Club. so rather than fall victim to the stricter judging he put his trust in his coach. Inside, in the deep part of your soul, how does this make you feel? A few steps later, he looked up and caught my eye. EFS: We all know you started the squat beanies in powerlifting. 3) Perform your supplemental work in circuit fashion but still HEAVY. [quote=Gabe] Tommy Fannon's Outlaws board is discussing it here and here. @lexen_iron_workz #powerlifting" CHUCK VOGELPOHL TRIBUTE. I asked him how the weigh in had went, and he told me that he had made weight and was ready to go. Making a comparison to the NFL you guys are the Patriots! Louie:I remember. The guy loves to feed on the negative and this is the way he runs the gym. EFS: What kind of percentages do you use? It was good for the team to learn to make, not only lifts, but to compete. Out came Chuck as intense as I have ever seen him. Chuck V: Sometimes, but its what I know. Youve seen it; when visitors come here and were getting ready for a meet. I used to do a lot of speed work with chains and with just bar weight; I did this for years, maybe fifteen. I downed one after another until I came in at 243 pounds to lift in the 275-class. Oh well, I think we hijacked the heck out of this thread. In fact, Tate admits that he was hardly concerned with the external component it was the internal intensity that mattered, and that he had to work with Chuck to regulate. In referencing Louie Simmons, Tate says that he engrained in them that its their responsibility to make everyone else better. Peace. As they strive to make me better, I strive to make them better. So I plug away and hit 610 at my next meet and I'm happy. I sit down and evaluate my weaknesses and design a plan of attack to achieve a pr. It was the top coefficient . Every golfer will tell you about great hits they have made, but the pros do it more often. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. He had been there to weigh in and would be lifting the following day. Simple. Given their experience, both Tate and Coan have had opportunities to cross paths with many legends of the sport over the course of their careers. Chuck is known for his incredible squatting prowess, but as Louie says it is improving your weakest lift will make you a champion. He really makes a lifters life that much easier and BETTER as their numbers show (OVER AND OVER). Chuck decided to give it another shot. Louie:I recall you pressed a 155-pound dumbbell for five or six reps one-armed. Im just another member of the team. Chuck is still going to compete. The last time I recall you said your legs felt like they weighed 900 pounds. Playing next. You came back and told me they had started the meet with the 242s. So, its okay to have somebody else help. It has been no mystery that Greg is Louie new main guy so figure it out for yourself. 2023 Westside Barbell. He made a world record squat at 966.7lbs in the 220 . Hes also a huge crowd favorite, so as he approaches, the crowd stands to their feet. i hope one day i could get time away from my business to do so. 95w 2 likes Reply opc_train Amazing 95w Reply casperfd2464iv Tony Acomb (sorry if spelled wrong) How about GRIP!?! Six lifters that trained with Chuck at the Lexen Extreme Gym averaged a 1025 squat. [quote=docjim]I have been training at BIG for 3 years and am a proud and probably lifelong member of the Turd team there. I do not train at BIG but I have been there to receive help Rick does not hide anything from his lifters nor anyone else. Brandon Lilly. At that point, we had gone a year and a half to check the progress we had made before you would write about it. Rick understands it and his lifters succeed in proportion to the trust they place in him and subsequently in each other and ultimatley in themselves. Rick also listens to input from his lifters I saw that first hand this weekend. I was putting up $3,000 for a meet one month, so you came in at 265 pounds and killed a 1,150-pound squat for a new all-time world record. EFS: How do you decide what hat to wear on squat day? The bands are what made my squat take off, but I lost a lot in stability. These cookies do not store any personal information. Also, Chuck doesnt do a lot of interviews; in fact, I dont know if anyone has even asked him. What does that tell you? The crowd grew louder, and he grabbed the bar and set his hands. He really makes a lifters life that much easier and BETTER as their numbers show (OVER AND OVER). Chuck V: I think people believe that they will be perfect after one year. At that time, I ruptured my left patella tendon and would be out for some time. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. Also, check out the Table Talk Panel: tasty electrolyte drink mix. At this point, Chuck finished with a couple of sets of elevated glute-ham raises and went home. [quote=Anonymous]Great point about Big Iron. Louie:Chuck, what do you think of todays lifters compared to 20 years ago? working with @henry_cejudo on some powerpohl movements great tool for all athletes especially MMA get yours today at fighters #mma #mmafighter #mmaworkout #mmatraining #mmalifestyle #mmaworld #powerlifting #strongman #fitness. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I told him that I didnt need money from my friends. A lot of what I do is based on how I feel; something I cant put down on paper. As youll see in the video, Dave Tate, another powerlifting great from Westside Barbell, details how this squat workout with Chuck Vogelpohl came into existence. Oktober 2017 um 11:07 Uhr bearbeitet . 'Inquiring minds want to know', From Outlaw Powerlifting I went to a Crawford seminar and it was the best money I spent. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. When you miss an attempt it sets you back 2-3 weeks. New meets were coming up, and new records would fall. A coach can find weaknesses and strengthen them, a coach can tell you to hang it up for the day if you are weak that day. How high are those? Chuck V: At least be at master level of the sport and your technique needs to be dead on. Chuck:Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. It's all there for you learn and understand. But if you read interviews with their members, they basically say we show up and do what Rick tells us. He had to do what he had to do. EFS: What did your max effort work use to be like? Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. He later changed it to 1000 pounds! [/quote] First, Matt Dimel broke my neck playing around in the gym. Tommy Fannon's Outlaws board is discussing it here and here. This will be unlike other episodes, as its been a long time since these guys have seen each other.Expect some catching up, wild stories, and sh*t talking. Joey Szatmary is another popular fitness personality thats competed in Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Strongman competitions. As I was sitting in the chair, I glanced up to the lifting order and noticed that Chucks opening squat attempt was 900 lbs. Some lifters are too stupid to know when they cant lift a weight. I asked him about the limp, and he told me that he had pulled a glute but that it was no big deal. If you are willing to give 100% in the weight room, he is willing to help you reach your goals. Nothing against Rick or BIG, but I think Lou's objective is to provide the lifters with information and then have them think for themselves. for a FREE 8-flavor sample pack with any purchase! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Copyright 2023 elitefts. he tells me that the only reason i have any records is because only women and infants weigh 181. All he knew was that he had to do what he had to do. Gregg was called up by Louie for all attempts and missed the first to for being high. I was moving up to the 242-class for the first time. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. Hes known as one of the most intense lifters to ever step on the platform, and while he may not be loud, his intensity is contagious. Rick also listens to input from his lifters I saw that first hand this weekend. Part of my job for the day was to judge as well as run the meet. It was NOT so people had a chace to "sucker" punch guys like Rick and his methods. And I had never heard of jump stretch bands. Rick is a master at looking at someones lifts and figuring out what needs to be done for that lifter. My lifts were going up at a slow, steady pace, but when we added bands, they really shot up. "Very few people know the true Lou. Chuck:Well, I could care less. I love experimenting and trying to find a better way to do things, but in the end I like coming up my my own final plan so to speak. Seriously, what the hell is he even doing at the meet? But he never got back up. Probably more than people are willing to invest. You said you would see what they wanted. Rick took me from a raw bench of 375 to a first meet 520, then to a 633 at carps meet in Dubuque. I think that is very important to overload the top end. Westside has alot of great lifters. After all, you were not built that good to squat, but you were best suited for the deadlift. eliteftsIf you can put it in a gym bag or load weight on it, we have you covered. You were right; the 220-pound class was no more. EFS: How high is the box you use when you work up? Right before we left for vacation, a friend of mine and fellow teammate, Chuck Vogelpohl, had the misfortune of rolling his car into a ditch. Sounds like he can't drive. Are you eating the right stuff? Most of the new guys were recruited by Louie. Next, he set his right foot and then the left. I have spoke to Louie on the phone as well. [/quote] Not that Louie isn't one of the greatest coaches of all time, but IN MY OPINION the BIG IRON way is the way to go right now!!